

完整清單 個別科目


項目 Item書目/书目 Book Title書庫代碼/ 书库代码 Library Code版本/版本Edition年份/年份 Year入庫日期/入库日期 Acquisition Date
1Hong Kong Case Citator 2023 Cumulative Supplement Issue 13LLR 12-3-20Issue 13202323/08/2023
2民法典釋義及適用指南 (上冊)CHL-9A ---202323/06/2023
3民法典釋義及適用指南 (中冊)CHL-9B---202323/06/2023
4民法典釋義及適用指南 (下冊)CHL-9C---202323/06/2023
5興邦定國 《香港國安法》 法律論壇NSL 9-1---202208/06/2023
6Professional Conduct of Lawyers in Hong Kong (Volumes 1 to 5)PRC 7-1A to 1ELooseleaf Issue 67202311/05/2023
7Hong Kong Conveyancing and Property Reports LLR 8-(32)2022202324/04/2023
8Hong Kong Family Law ReportsLLR 11-(18)2022202324/04/2023
9Hong Kong Employment Law ManualEMP 11-1A and 1BIssue 47202312/04/2023
10The Employment Ordinance An Annotated Guide EMP 10-2A and 2BLooseleaf Issue 47202312/04/2023
11Hong Kong Personal Injury ServicePER 5-1A to 1CIssue 64202313/03/2023
12Hong Kong Case Citator 2022 Cumulative Supplement Issue 12LLR 12-3-19Isuue 12202219/12/2022
13Hong Kong Case Citator 2022 Cumulative Supplement Issue 11LLR 12-3-18Isuue 11202223/11/2022
14Butterworths Alternative Dispute Resolution HandbookMED 8-13rd 202220/11/2022
15Professional Conduct of Lawyers in Hong Kong (Volumes 1 to 5)PRC 7-1A to 1EIssue 66202215/11/2023
16Butterworths Hong Kong Employment Law HandbookEMP 9-67th202205/10/2022
17Butterworths Hong Kong Family Law HandbookFAM 25-44th202105/10/2022
18Butterworths Probate, Administration and Trustee HandbookP&A 4-55th202129/09/2022
19《香港國安法》 法律論壇 - 國家安好NSL 7-1---202127/09/2022
20Mediation Practice Manual for Hong KongMED 7-1---202014/09/2022
21Professional Conduct of Lawyers in Hong Kong (Volumes 1 to 5)PRC 7-1A to 1ELooseleaf Issue 65202214/09/2022
22Hong Kong Employment Law ManualEMP 11-1A and 1BLooseleaf Issue 46202213/09/2022
23The Employment Ordinance An Annotated Guide EMP 10-2A and 2BLooseleaf Issue 46202213/09/2022
24Hong Kong Personal Injury ServicePER 5-1A to 1CLooseleaf Issue 63202213/09/2022
25The Hong Kong Mediation ManualMED 6-13rd202212/08/2022
26南海之爭的多元視角PUI 22-1---201725/07/2022
27The Nationl Security Law of Hong KongNSL 8-1---202225/07/2022
28Sentencing in Hong KongCRM 13-810th202227/06/2022
29基本法起草材料及案例精選 第一冊BAL 16-1A---202221/06/2022
30基本法起草材料及案例精選 第二冊BAL 16-1B---202221/06/2022
31Hong Kong Personal Injury ServicePER 5-1A to 1CLooseleaf Issue 62202217/06/2022
32Professional Conduct of Lawyers in Hong Kong (Volumes 1 to 5)PRC 7-1A to 1ELooseleaf Issue 64202216/05/2022
33Hong Kong Conveyancing and Property Reports LLR 8-(31)2021202221/04/2022
34Hong Kong Family Law ReportsLLR 11-(17)2021202221/04/2022
35The Employment Ordinance An Annotated Guide EMP 10-1A and 1BLooseleaf Issue 45202214/04/2022
36Hong Kong Employment Law ManualEMP 11-1A and 1BLooseleaf Issue 45202211/04/2022
37Hong Kong Personal Injury ServicePER 5-1A to 1CLooseleaf Issue 61202216/02/2022
38Professional Conduct of Lawyers in Hong Kong (Volumes 1 to 5)PRC 7-1A to 1ELooseleaf Issue 63202216/02/2022
39中華人民共和國香港特別行政區維護國家安全法文獻匯編NSL 6-1---202111/11/2021
40《基本法》頒佈三十周年法律高峰論壇 - 追溯本源 BAL 15-1---202111/11/2021
41Hong Kong Case Citator 2021 Cumulative Supplement Issue 10LLR 12-3-17Issue 10202120/12/2021
42Butterworths Hong Kong Data Privacy HandbookPRY 4-22nd202126/11/2021
43Butterworths Hong Kong Partnership Law HandbookPAR 2-23rd202126/11/2021
44Professional Conduct of Lawyers in Hong Kong (Volumes 1 to 5)PRC 7-1A to 1ELooseleaf Issue 62202117/11/2021