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Limited --- Agency AGN 2-1 An Outline of The Law of Agency 2nd 1986 B.S Markesinis &
R.J.C Munday Butterworths 25/03/1995 AGN 3-1 香港代理法 --- 1992 何美歡 中華書局 --- AGN 1-3 Aldridge: Powers of Attorney 11th 2016 Trevor M. Aldridge, Geoffrey A Shindler and Susan E. Sherry Sweet & Maxwell 23/03/2017 Advocacy ADV 1-1 中外法庭論辯選萃 --- 1990 王政挺 東方出版社 --- ADV 2-1 The Golden Rules of Advocacy --- 1993 Keith Evans Blackstone 14/04/1994 ADV 3-1 Advocacy and the Litigation Process in Hong Kong 2nd 1995 Michael Wilkinson Butterworths 29/10/1998 Arbitration ARB 1-1 The Expert In Litigation and Arbitration --- 1999 D. Mark Cato LLP 28/06/2003 ARB 2-1 The ADR Practice Guide Commercial Dispute Resolution 2nd 2000 Karl Mackie &
David Miles &
William Marsh &
Tony Allen Butterworths 28/06/2003 ARB 3-1 Arbitration Practice and Procedure Interlocutory and Hearing
Problems 3rd 2002 D. Mark Cato LLP 30/06/2003 ARB 4-1A Arbitration In Hong Kong A Practical Guide (Volume 1) 1st * 2003 Neil Kaplan Sweet &
Maxwell Asia 30/12/2003 ARB 4-1B Arbitration In Hong Kong A Practical Guide (Volume 2) 1st * 2003 Neil Kaplan Sweet &
Maxwell Asia 30/12/2003 ARB 4-2 Arbitration In Hong Kong A Practical Guide [The Hong Kong Law Library] 2nd * 2011 The Honourable Chief Justice Geoffrey Ma Sweet &
Maxwell 21/10/2011 ARB 4-3 Arbitration In Hong Kong A Practical Guide [The Hong Kong Law Library] 4th 2017 The Honourable Chief Justice Geoffrey Ma Tao-li Sweet &
Maxwell 15/08/2017 ARB 5-1 Hong Kong Arbitration Ordinance 2011 Cap 609 A Guide and Commentary 1st 2011 Samuel Wong Paper House Limited 03/09/2012 ARB 6-1 The Hong Kong Arbitration Ordinance Commentary and Annotations [Hong Kong Commentary and Annotations Library] 1st * 2011 John Choong and J. Romesh Weeramantry Sweet & Maxwell 17/04/2013 ARB 6-2 The Hong Kong Arbitration Ordinance Commentary and Annotations [Hong Kong Commentary and Annotations Library] 2nd 2015 John Choong and J. Romesh Weeramantry Sweet & Maxwell 01/10/2015 ARB 7-1 仲裁法 從開庭審理到裁決的作出與執行 --- 2010 楊宜良 莫世杰 楊大明 法律出版社 22/12/2015 ARB 8-1 Butterworths Hong Kong Arbitration Law Handbook 2nd 2018 Christopher To and Damon So LexisNexis Butterworths 28/05/2018 Basic Law BAL 1-1 中華人民共和國香港特別行政區基本法 --- 1992 --- 一國兩制研究中心有限公司 18/04/1993 BAL 2-1 中華人民共和國香港特別行政區基本法 --- 1998 Butterworths Asia 法律出版社 16/12/1999 BAL 3-1 Introduction to the Basic Law of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region [香港特別行政區基本法導論] (第二版) 2nd 2009 Basic Law Promotion Steering Committee Law Press- China and Joint Publication (H.K.) Co., Limited 01/06/2009 BAL 4-1 Hong Kong's Basic Law Problems & Prospects 1st 1990 --- Faculty of law University of Hong Kong 20/07/2010 BAL 5-1 Hong Kong Basic Law Annotations and Commentary --- 2010 Michael Ramsden and Oliver Jones Sweet & Maxwell 24/08/2010 BAL 6-1 Introduction to the Hong Kong Basic Law 1st * 2013 Danny Gittings HKU Press 24/09/2015 BAL 6-2 Introduction to the Hong Kong Basic Law 2nd 2016 Danny Gittings HKU Press 04/10/2016 BAL 7-1 香港基本法爭議問題述評 初 2013 郝鐵川 中華書局 20/11/2015 BAL 8-1 Hong Kong Basic Law Handbook [Hong Kong Commentary and Annotations Library] 1st 2015 Michael Ramsden and Stuart Hargreaves Sweet & Maxwell 08/01/2016 BAL 9-1 The Judicial Construction of Hong Kong's Basic Law Courts, Politics and Society after 1997 1st 2014 Lo Pui Yin Hong Kong University Press 17/06/2016 BAL 10-1 基本法釋法問題探究 1st 2015 百晟 商務印書館 04/02/2017 BAL 11-1 中華人民共和國香港特別行政區基本法 [中文版] --- * 2016 --- 政制及內地事務局 10/02/2017 BAL 11-2A 中華人民共和國香港特別行政區基本法 [中文版] --- * 2017 --- 政制及內地事務局 15/08/2017 BAL 11-3A 中華人民共和國香港特別行政區基本法 [中文版] --- 2018 --- 政制及內地事務局 04/12/2018 BAL 11-2B The Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China [English Version] --- 2017 --- Constitional and Mainland Affairs Bureau 15/08/2017 BAL 12-1 基本法與香港 [回歸二十年] --- 2017 譚惠珠 香港友好協進會 10/07/2017 BAL 13-1 “一國兩制”與基本法:歷史、現實與未來 --- 2017 王振民 三聯書店(香港)有限公司 14/10/2017 BAL 14-1 香港基本法 從理論到實踐 --- 2017 梁美芬 法律出版社 02/12/2017 BAL 15-1 《基本法》頒佈三十周年法律高峰論壇 - 追溯本源 --- 2021 匯編 律政司 11/11/2021 BAL 16-1A 基本法起草材料及案例精選 第一冊 --- 2022 律政司 律政司 21/06/2022 BAL 16-1B 基本法起草材料及案例精選 第二冊 --- 2022 律政司 律政司 21/06/2022 Banking and Finance BAN 1-1 The Elements of Banking 4th 1984 F.E. Perry Federal
Publications --- BAN 2-1 The Law and Practice of Banking Volume 1: Banker and Customer 5th 1991 J. Milnes Holden Educational
Low-Price Books Scheme 26/10/1991 BAN 3-1 The Law and Practice of Banking Volume 2: Securities for Banker's
Advances 8th 1993 J. Milnes Holden Educational
Low-Price Books Scheme --- BAN 4-1 Banking Law In Hong Kong Cases and Materials --- 1995 Derek Roebuck &
DK Srivastava &
HM Zafrullah Butterworths 16/12/1999 BAN 5-1 Merchant Banking In Hong Kong --- 1998 Josephine M
Chesterton & Tushar K Ghose Butterworths 21/01/1998 BAN 6-1 Law of Bank Payments 3rd 2004 J Butters Sweet &
Maxwell 03/08/2004 BAN 7-1A Hong Kong Banking Law and Practice (Volume 1) Looseleaf (Issue 41) 2017 IA Tokley LexisNexis Butterworths 09/07/1905 BAN 7-1B Hong Kong Banking Law and Practice (Volume 2) Looseleaf (Issue 41) 2017 IA Tokley LexisNexis Butterworths 09/07/1905 BAN 7-1C Hong Kong Banking Law and Practice (Volume 3) Looseleaf (Issue 41) 2017 IA Tokley LexisNexis Butterworths 09/07/1905 BAN 8-1 Monetary and Banking Laws of Hong Kong Looseleaf - Robert S.K. Lee Sweet& Maxwell
--- BAN 9-1 Banking Law and Prtactice in Hong Kong [The Hong Kong Law Library] 1st 2017 Dr. Ckaire Wilson Sweet& Maxwell
07/04/2017 Buildings and Construction BCL 1-1 Construction Law 5th 1991 John Uff Sweet &
Maxwell 29/03/1994 BCL 2-1 Hong Kong Construction Safety Management and the Law 2nd 2003 Steve Rowlinson Sweet &
Maxwell Asia 19/12/2003 BCL 3-1 Butterworths Building Law Handbook 3nd * 2010 Mickey Fung Butterworths 30/05/2011 BCL 3-2 Butterworths Building Law Handbook 4th 2017 Andrew Mak Butterworths 10/11/2017 BCL 3-1 Construction Law and Practice in Hong Kong 4th 2018 Gary Soo Sweet & Maxwell 31/03/2019 Bankruptcy and Insolvency BIL 1-1 No Book --- --- --- --- --- --- BIL 2-1 Butterworths Hong Kong Bankruptcy Law Handbook 1st * 1999 Peter Ling Sie Wuong & Sabiha Shiraz
Butterworths --- BIL 2-2 Butterworths Hong Kong Bankruptcy Law Handbook 2nd * 2001 Peter Ling Butterworths 12/10/2001 BIL 2-3 Butterworths Hong Kong Bankruptcy Law Handbook 3nd * 2007 Stephen SK Chan Butterworths 21/03/2007 BIL 2-4 Butterworths Hong Kong Bankruptcy Law Handbook 4th * 2012 Stephen SK Chan Butterworths 31/10/2012 BIL 2-5 Butterworths Hong Kong Bankruptcy Law Handbook 5th * 2016 Conita SC Leung LexisNexis Butterworths 24/11/2016 BIL 2-6 Butterworths Hong Kong Bankruptcy Law Handbook 6th 2019 Hans Mahncke LexisNexis Butterworths 02/04/2020 BIL 3-3 HKLRD Review Series 2002 --- 2002 C A Ong Sweet & Maxwell Asia 14/03/2002 Building Management BML 1-1 Building Managemnet in Hong Kong --- * 2002 Paul Kent, Malcolm Merry and Megan Walters LexisNexis
Butterworths 09/12/2002 BML 1-2 Building Managemnet in Hong Kong 2nd * 2008 Malcolm Merry and Paul Kent LexisNexis
Butterworths 30/05/2011 BML 1-3 Building Management in Hong Kong 3rd 2016 Malcolm Merry LexisNexis
11/05/2016 China Attesting CAO 1-1 培訓資料 --- 2009 ---
司法部律師公證工作指導司 10/03/2009 CAO 2-1 中國委托公証人(香港)業務培訓參考資料 --- 2012 ---
司法部律師公證工作指導司 16/01/2012 CAO 3-1 中國委托公証人三十周年紀念特刊 --- 2012 ---
中國委托公証人協會有限公司 20/11/2012 CAO 4-1 中國委托公証人協會有限公司會刊 --- 2014 ---
中國委托公証人協會有限公司 02/05/2014 Constitutional and Administrative C&A 1-1 Constitutional and Administrative Law de Smith 4th 1981 Harry Street &
Rodney Brazier Penguin Books --- C&A 2-1 Constitutional and Administrative Law 10th 1985 E.C.S Wade and A.W. Bradley Longman and
New York 11/10/1985 C&A 3-1 Law and Administrative --- 1984 Carol Harlow &
Richard Rawlings Weidenfeld and
Nicolson 22/01/1987 C&A 4-1 Grievances Remedies and The State --- 1985 Patrick Birkinshaw Sweet &
Maxwell --- C&A 5-1 Administrative Law 2nd 1989 P. P. Craig Sweet &
Maxwell 09/05/1995 C&A 6-1 The Government and Politics of Hong Kong 5th * 1991 Norman Miners Hong Kong Oxford University Press
22/09/1994 C&A 6-2 The Government and Politics of Hong Kong With Updated Additions for the Mid-1990s 5th 1995 Norman Miners Hong Kong Oxford University Press
--- C&A 7-1 最新六法全書 --- 1993 陶百川 三民書局印行
23/07/1993 C&A 8-1 Constitutional and Administrative Law in Hong Kong 2nd 1994 Peter Wesley-Smith Longman Asia
Limited 07/10/1994 C&A 9-1 Hong Kong Administrative Law 2nd 1993 David Clark &
Garard McCoy Butterworths 16/12/1999 C&A 10-1 The Nature of the Crown, A Legal and Political Analysis 1st 1999 Maurice Sunkin and Sebastian Payne Oxford University Press 06/09/2003 C&A 11-1 The Office of Lord Chancellor 1st 2001 Dianna Woodhouse Hart Publishing 06/09/2003 C&A 12-1 Malaysian Public Law --- 1997 P.H. Hickling Pelanduk
Publications 06/04/2004 C&A 13-1 Hong Kong Constitutional Debates --- 2005 Johannes Chan SC and Lison Harris Hong Kong Law Journal Limited
03/11/2006 C&A 14-1 An Introduction to Singapore's Constitution Revised 2011 Kevin Y.L. Tan Talisman 24/04/2011 C&A 15-1 Law of the Hong Kong Constitution [The Hong Kong Law Library] 1st * 2011 Johannes Chan SC Sweet & Maxwell 21/10/2011 C&A 15-2 Law of the Hong Kong Constitution [The Hong Kong Law Library] 2nd 2015 Johannes Chan SC and C.Y. Lim Sweet & Maxwell 29/12/2015 C&A 16-1 Judicial Review in Hong Kong 2nd 2014 Richard Gordon QC Johnny Mok SC LexisNexis 30/06/2014 C&A 17-1 The Practice of the "One Country, Two Systems" Policy in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region --- 2014 Information Office of the State Council, The People's Republic of China Foreign Languages Press 02/07/2014 C&A 18-1 “一國兩制”在香港特別行政區的實踐 --- 2014 中華人民共和國國務院新聞辦公室 人民出版社 03/07/2014 C&A 19-1 Public Law 2nd 2014 Dr. Mark Elliott and Professor Robert Thomas Oxford University Press 16/12/2016 C&A 20-1 Administrative Law in Hong Kong 2nd 2013 Swati Jhaveri Michael Ramsden Anne Scully-Hill LexisNexis 14/10/2017 Chinese Law CHL 2-1 常用經濟合同 --- 1989 張維銘,呂庚祥,楊志民 山東大學出版社 --- CHL 3-1 中國民法 --- 1990 佟柔 法律出版社 13/11/1992 CHL 4-1 律師實用便覽 --- 1990 劉希明 中國人民大學出版社
--- CHL 5-1 中國合同大全 (修定版) --- 1994 王振宇 經濟管理出版社
--- CHL 6-1 民事訴訟特別程序研究 1992 王強義 中國政法大學出版 25/04/1995 CHL 7-1 廣東省監獄獄務手冊 --- 2014 廣東省監獄管理局 廣東省監獄管理局
08/07/1905 CHL 8-1 模擬法律診所實驗教程 --- 2013 章武生 法律出版社 09/07/1905 CHL 9-1A 民法典釋義及適用指南 (上冊) --- 2023 黃薇 中華書局 13/06/2023 CHL 9-1B 民法典釋義及適用指南 (中冊) --- 2023 黃薇 中華書局 13/06/2023 CHL 9-1C 民法典釋義及適用指南 (下冊) --- 2023 黃薇 中華書局 13/06/2023 Civil Practice CIV 1-1 O'Hare & Hill: Civil Litigation 5th * 1990 John O'Hare & Robert N Hill
Longman Practitioner Series 09/12/1991 CIV 1-2 O'Hare & Hill: Civil Litigation 6th * 1993 John O'Hare &
Robert N Hill Longman Practitioner Series 27/01/1994 CIV 1-3 O'Hare & Hill:Civil Litigation 7th * 1996 John O'Hare &
Robert N Hill Law & Tax Practitioner
Series 25/01/1996 CIV 1-4 O'Hare & Hill:Civil Litigation 8th * 1997 John O'Hare &
Robert N Hill Law & Tax Practitioner
Series 06/11/1998 CIV 1-5 O'Hare & Browne: Civil Litigation 18th 2017 John O'Hare &
Browne Sweet & Macwell 06/11/1998 CIV 2-1 Pleadings Without Tears 3rd * 1990 William M. Rose Blackstone Press Limited 29/06/1996 CIV 2-2 Pleadings Without Tears A Guide to Legal Drafting Under the Civil Procedure Rules 8th * 2012 William M. Rose Oxford University Press 25/06/2016 CIV 2-3 Pleadings Without Tears A Guide to Legal Drafting Under the Civil Procedure Rules 9th 2017 William M. Rose Revised and updated by Roger Eastman Oxford University Press 19/09/2017 CIV 3-1 Odgers On High Court Pleading and Practice 23th * 1991 D.B. Casson Sweet & Maxwell
25/04/1991 CIV 3-2 Odgers On Civil Court Actions 24th 1996 Simon Goulding Sweet & Maxwell
16/10/1996 CIV 4-1 The Supreme Court Practice 1993 Volumes 1-2 --- * 1993 --- Sweet & Maxwell
--- CIV 4-2 The Supreme Court Practice 1995 Volumes 1-2 --- * 1995 --- Sweet & Maxwell
--- CIV 4-3 The Supreme Court Practice 1997 Volumes 1-2 --- * 1997 --- Sweet & Maxwell
--- CIV 4-4A The Supreme Court Practice 1999 (Volume 1) --- 1999 --- Sweet & Maxwell
17/09/1998 CIV 4-4B The Supreme Court Practice 1999 (Volume 2) --- 1999 --- Sweet & Maxwell
17/09/1998 CIV 4-4C The Supreme Court Practice 1999 Index and Tables --- 1999 --- Sweet & Maxwell
17/09/1998 CIV 5-1 Enforcement of Judgments in Hong Kong --- 1998 Gary N Heilbronn, Christine N Booth and Helen McCook Butterworths 19/06/1998 CIV 6-1 Dispute Resolution in the Pacfic RIM --- 1995 --- Hong Kong Special Administrative Region People's
Republic of China --- CIV 7-1 The Doctrine of Res Judicata 3rd 1996 Mr Justice KR
Handley Butterworths 22/12/2003 CIV 8-1 Civil Procedure 1998 * 1999 The Right Hon. Lord Justice May
Sweet & Maxwell
--- CIV 8-2 Civil Procedure 1999 1999 The Right Hon. Lord Justice May
Sweet & Maxwell
03/11/1999 CIV 9-1 The Annual Practice (1996 - 1999) --- - J. D. R. Adams Sweet & Maxwell
--- CIV 10-1 Hong Kong Civil Court Practice Desk Edition * 2000 WS Clarke Butterworths 19/10/2000 CIV 10-2 Hong Kong Civil Court Practice (Desk Edition) Desk Edition 2003 2003 WS Clarke Butterworths 24/05/2003 CIV 11-1 Reform of the Civil Process in Hong Kong --- 2000 Michael Wilkinson and Janet Burton Butterworths --- CIV 12-1 District Court Handbook 2001 --- * 2000 --- Sweet & Maxwell Asia 09/11/2000 CIV 12-2 District Court Handbook 2002 Civil Practice 2nd 2002 --- Sweet & Maxwell Asia 14/05/2002 CIV 13-1 Hong Kong District Court Practice 1st * 2001 P.Y. Lo Butterworths CIV 13-2 Hong Kong District Court Practice 2nd * 2008 P.Y. Lo Butterworths 10/04/2008 CIV 13-3 Hong Kong District Court Practice 3rd 2016 P.Y. Lo LexisNexis Butterworths 17/08/2016 CIV 14-1 Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2000 2000 * 2000 Mr. Justice Chan Sweet & Maxwell
CIV 14-2 Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2002 Volumes 1 - 2 2002 * 2002 Mr. Justice Chan Sweet & Maxwell
CIV 14-3 Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2004 Volumes 1 - 2 2004 * 2004 Mr. Justice Chan Sweet & Maxwell
CIV 14-4 Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2006 Volumes 1 - 2 2006 * 2005 Mr. Justice Chan Sweet & Maxwell
CIV 14-5 Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2007 Volumes 1 - 3 2007 * 2006 Mr. Justice Chan Sweet & Maxwell
08/12/2006 CIV 14-6 Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2008 Volumes 1 - 2 2008 * 2007 Mr. Justice Chan Sweet & Maxwell
08/11/2007 CIV 14-7A Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2009 Volume 1 2009 * 2008 The Honourable Mr. Justice Pactrick Chan PJ Thomson Sweet & Maxwell
03/10/2008 CIV 14-7B Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2009 Volume 2 2009 * 2008 The Honourable Mr. Justice Pactrick Chan PJ Thomson Sweet & Maxwell
03/10/2008 CIV 14-7C Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2009 Volume 3 Court Forms 2009 * 2008 The Honourable Mr. Justice Pactrick Chan PJ Thomson Sweet & Maxwell
03/10/2008 CIV 14-7D Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2009 Volume 4 2009 * 2008 The Honourable Mr. Justice Pactrick Chan PJ Thomson Sweet & Maxwell
03/10/2008 CIV 14-8A Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2010 Volume 1 2010 * 2009 The Honourable Mr. Justice Pactrick Chan PJ Sweet & Maxwell
20/10/2009 CIV 14-8B Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2010 Volume 2 2010 * 2009 The Honourable Mr. Justice Pactrick Chan PJ Sweet & Maxwell
20/10/2009 CIV 14-8C Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2010 Volume 3 2010 * 2009 The Honourable Mr. Justice Pactrick Chan PJ Sweet & Maxwell
20/10/2009 CIV 14-8D Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2010 Court Forms 2010 * 2009 The Honourable Mr. Justice Pactrick Chan PJ * 20/10/2009 CIV 14-9A Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2011 Volume 1 2011 * 2010 The Honourable Mr. Justice Pactrick Chan PJ Sweet & Maxwell
20/10/2010 CIV 14-9B Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2011 Volume 2 2011 * 2010 The Honourable Mr. Justice Pactrick Chan PJ Sweet & Maxwell
03/11/2010 CIV 14-9C Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2011 Volume 3 2011 * 2010 The Honourable Mr. Justice Pactrick Chan PJ Sweet & Maxwell
03/11/2010 CIV 14-9D Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2011 Court Forms 2011 * 2010 The Honourable Mr. Justice Pactrick Chan PJ Sweet & Maxwell
03/11/2010 CIV 14-10A Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2013 Volume 1 2013 * 2012 The Honourable Mr. Justice Pactrick Chan PJ Sweet & Maxwell
29/11/2012 CIV 14-10B Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2013 Volume 2 2013 * 2012 The Honourable Mr. Justice Pactrick Chan PJ Sweet & Maxwell
03/12/2012 CIV 14-10C Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2013 Volume 3 2013 * 2012 The Honourable Mr. Justice Pactrick Chan PJ Sweet & Maxwell 03/12/2012 CIV 14-10D Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2013 Court Forms 2013 * 2012 The Honourable Mr. Justice Pactrick Chan PJ Sweet & Maxwell
03/12/2012 CIV 14-11A Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2015 Volume 1 2015 * 2014 The Honourable Mr. Justice Fok PJ Sweet & Maxwell
02/12/2014 CIV 14-11B Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2015 Volume 2 2015 * 2014 The Honourable Mr. Justice Fok PJ Sweet & Maxwell
02/12/2014 CIV 14-11C Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2015 Arbitration and ADR 2015 * 2014 The Honourable Mr. Justice Fok PJ Sweet & Maxwell
02/12/2014 CIV 14-11D Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2015 Court Forms 2015 * 2014 The Honourable Mr. Justice Fok PJ Sweet & Maxwell
02/12/2014 CIV 14-12A Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2016 Volume 1 2016 * 2015 The Honourable Mr. Justice Fok PJ Sweet & Maxwell
12/11/2015 CIV 14-12B Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2016 Volume 2 2016 * 2015 The Honourable Mr. Justice Fok PJ Sweet & Maxwell
12/11/2015 CIV 14-12C Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2016 Arbitration and ADR 2016 * 2015 The Honourable Mr. Justice Fok PJ Sweet & Maxwell
12/11/2015 CIV 14-12D Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2016 Court Forms 2016 * 2015 The Honourable Mr. Justice Fok PJ Sweet & Maxwell
12/11/2015 CIV 14-12E Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2015 E-Discovery Special Release 2016 2015 The Honourable Mr. Justice Fok PJ Sweet & Maxwell
12/11/2015 CIV 14-13A Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2017 Volume 1 2017 * 2016 The Honourable Mr. Justice Fok PJ Sweet & Maxwell
27/09/2016 CIV 14-13B Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2017 Volume 2 2017 * 2016 The Honourable Mr. Justice Fok PJ Sweet & Maxwell
27/09/2016 CIV 14-13C Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2017 Arbitration and ADR 2017 * 2016 The Honourable Mr. Justice Fok PJ Sweet & Maxwell
27/09/2016 CIV 14-13D Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2017 Court Forms 2017 * 2016 The Honourable Mr. Justice Fok PJ Sweet & Maxwell
27/09/2016 CIV 14-14A Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2018 Volume 1 2018 * 2017 The Honourable Mr. Justice Fok PJ Sweet & Maxwell
12/09/2017 CIV 14-14B Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2018 Volume 2 2018 * 2017 The Honourable Mr. Justice Fok PJ Sweet & Maxwell
12/09/2017 CIV 14-14C Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2018 Arbitration and ADR 2018 * 2017 The Honourable Mr. Justice Fok PJ Sweet & Maxwell
12/09/2017 CIV 14-14D Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2018 Court Forms 2018 * 2017 The Honourable Mr. Justice Fok PJ Sweet & Maxwell
12/09/2017 CIV 14-14E Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2018 A Collection of Considerations Special Release 2018 * 2017 --- Sweet & Maxwell
07/06/2017 CIV 14-15A Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2018 Volume 1 2019 2018 The Honourable Mr. Justice Fok PJ Sweet & Maxwell
28/09/2018 CIV 14-15B Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2018 Volume 2 2019 2018 The Honourable Mr. Justice Fok PJ Sweet & Maxwell
28/09/2018 CIV 14-15C Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2018 Arbitration and ADR 2019 2018 The Honourable Mr. Justice Fok PJ Sweet & Maxwell
28/09/2018 CIV 14-15D Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2018 Court Forms 2019 2018 The Honourable Mr. Justice Fok PJ Sweet & Maxwell
28/09/2018 CIV 15-1 The Law and Practice of Compromise [Litigation Library] 5th * 2002 David Foskett London
Sweet &
Maxwell --- CIV 15-2 Foskett on Compromise [Litigation Library] 8th 2015 The Honourable Sir David Foskett
Sweet &
Maxwell 10/07/1905 CIV 16-1 Hong Kong Civil Court Practice 1 Looseleaf (Issue 79) 2017 WS Clarke LexisNexis Butterworths 09/07/1905 CIV 16-1(A) Hong Kong Civil Court Practice 1 Looseleaf (Issue 79) 2017 WS Clarke LexisNexis Butterworths 09/07/1905 CIV 16-1(B) Hong Kong Civil Court Practice 1 Looseleaf (Issue 79) 2017 WS Clarke LexisNexis Butterworths 09/07/1905 CIV 16-2 Hong Kong Civil Court Practice 2 Looseleaf (Issue 52) 2017 PY Lo, WS Clarke and Michael Wilkinson LexisNexis Butterworths 09/07/1905 CIV 16-2(A) Hong Kong Civil Court Practice 2 Looseleaf (Issue 52) 2017 PY Lo, WS Clarke and Michael Wilkinson LexisNexis Butterworths 09/07/1905 CIV 16-2(B) Hong Kong Civil Court Practice 2 Looseleaf (Issue 52) 2017 PY Lo, WS Clarke and Michael Wilkinson LexisNexis Butterworths 09/07/1905 CIV 17-1 Enforcing Judgments in Hong Kong --- 2004 Christine N Booth LexisNexis 22/03/2005 CIV 18-1 香港法律匯報與摘錄 (實務指示) --- 2004 Abdul Azeem Ali Thomson Sweet & Maxwell Asia
--- CIV 19-1A Marked-up Verson of Amended Legislation Relating to the Civil Justice Reform --- 2008 Steering Committee on Civil Justice Reform Judiciary 01/08/2008 CIV 19-1B Marked-up Verson of Amended Legislation Relating to the Civil Justice Reform --- 2008 Steering Committee on Civil Justice Reform Judiciary 01/08/2008 CIV 19-1C Marked-up Verson of Amended Legislation Relating to the Civil Justice Reform --- 2008 Steering Committee on Civil Justice Reform Judiciary 01/08/2008 CIV 20-1 Hong Kong Civil Procedure New Rules of the High Court Special Volume 2009 The Honourable Mr. Justice Pactrick Chan PJ Thomson Sweet & Maxwell Asia 03/10/2008 CIV 21-1 Commercial Litigation in Hong Kong: A Practical Guide 1st * 2012 William Stone Sweet & Maxwell 08/05/2013 CIV 21-2 Commercial Litigation in Hong Kong: A Practical Guide 2nd 2017 Denis Brock Sweet & Maxwell 30/10/2017 CIV 22-1 Documentary Evidence in Hong Kong 1st 2015 Charles Hollander QC Sweet & Maxwell 30/10/2015 CIV 23-1 Law of Injunctions in Hong Kong 1st * 2016 Andrew Mak Carol Wong LewisNexis 17/06/2016 CIV 23-2 Law of Injunctions in Hong Kong 2nd 2018 Andrew Mak Carol Wong LewisNexis 28/05/2018 CIV 24-1 Conveyancing Litigation in Hong Kong 1st 2017 Andrew Mak LewisNexis 05/08/2017 CIV 25-1 Disclosure [Litigation Library] 5th 2017 Paul Matthews Hodge M. Malek QC Sweet & Maxwell 12/09/2017 Common Law Library CLL 1-1 Chitty on Contracts Volume 1 General Principles 26th * 1989 A.G. Guest London Sweet & Maxwell
08/05/1993 CLL 1-2 Chitty on Contracts Volume 1 General Principles 28th * 1999 H. G. Beale London Sweet & Maxwell
- CLL 1-3 Chitty on Contracts Volume 1 General Principles 29th * 2004 H. G. Beale London Sweet & Maxwell
11/05/2004 CLL 1-4 Chitty on Contracts Volume 1 General Principles 30th * 2008 H. G. Beale London Sweet & Maxwell
01/12/2008 CLL 1-5 Chitty on Contracts Volume 1 General Principles 31st * 2012 H. G. Beale Sweet & Maxwell
06/11/2012 CLL 1-6 Chitty on Contracts Volume 1 General Principles 32nd 2015 H. G. Beale Sweet & Maxwell
27/11/2015 CLL 2-1 Chitty on Contracts Volume 2 Specific Contracts 26th * 1989 A. G. Guest London Sweet & Maxwell
08/05/1993 CLL 2-2 Chitty on Contracts Volume 2 Specific Contracts 28th * 1999 H. G. Beale London Sweet & Maxwell
--- CLL 2-3 Chitty on Contracts Volume 2 Specific Contracts 29th * 2004 H. G. Beale London Sweet & Maxwell
11/05/2004 CLL 2-4 Chitty on Contracts Volume 2 Specific Contracts 30th * 2008 H. G. Beale London Sweet & Maxwell
01/12/2008 CLL 2-5 Chitty on Contracts Volume 2 Specific Contracts 31st * 2012 H. G. Beale Sweet & Maxwell
06/11/2012 CLL 2-6 Chitty on Contracts Volume 2 Specific Contracts 32nd 2015 H. G. Beale Sweet & Maxwell
27/11/2015 CLL 3-1 Clerk & Lindsell on Torts 17th * 1995 Margaret R. Brazier
London Sweet & Maxwell
12/02/1996 CLL 3-2 Clerk & Lindsell on Torts 19th * 2006 Anthony M. Dugdale & Michael A. Jones
London Sweet & Maxwell
04/01/2006 CLL 3-3 Clerk & Lindsell on Torts 20th * 2010 Michael A. Jones & Anthony M. Dugdale
Sweet & Maxwell
16/11/2010 CLL 3-4 Clerk & Lindsell on Torts 22nd 2018 Michael A. Jones & Anthony M. Dugdale
Sweet & Maxwell
20/03/2018 CLL 4-1 Bullen & Leake & Jacob's Precedents of Pleadings 13th * 1990 Sir Jack I.H. Jacob Q.C. London Sweet & Maxwell
30/07/1996 CLL 4-2A Bullen & Leake & Jacob's Precedents of Pleadings (Volume 1) 14th * 2001 Lord Brennan Q.C. London Sweet & Maxwell
03/01/2001 CLL 4-2B Bullen & Leake & Jacob's Precedents of Pleadings (Volume 2) 14th * 2001 Lord Brennan Q.C. London Sweet & Maxwell
03/01/2001 CLL 4-3A Bullen & Leake & Jacob's Precedents of Pleadings (Volume 1) 15th * 2004 Lord Brennan Q.C. London Sweet & Maxwell
07/01/2004 CLL 4-3B Bullen & Leake & Jacob's Precedents of Pleadings (Volume 2) 15th * 2004 Lord Brennan Q.C. London Sweet & Maxwell
07/01/2004 CLL 4-4A Bullen & Leake & Jacob's Precedents of Pleadings (Volume 1) 16th * 2008 William Blair Q.C. Thomson Sweet & Maxwell
07/08/2008 CLL 4-4B Bullen & Leake & Jacob's Precedents of Pleadings (Volume 2) 16th * 2008 William Blair Q.C. Thomson Sweet & Maxwell
07/08/2008 CLL 4-5A Bullen & Leake & Jacob's Precedents of Pleadings (Volume 1) 18th 2015 The Hon. Mr. Justice Blair and others Sweet & Maxwell
31/12/2015 CLL 4-5B Bullen & Leake & Jacob's Precedents of Pleadings (Volume 2) 18th 2015 The Hon. Mr. Justice Blair and others Sweet & Maxwell
31/12/2015 CLL 5-2 Charlesworth & Percy on Negligence 11th * 2006 His Honour Judge Walton & Roger Cooper & Simon E. Wood
London Sweet & Maxwell
08/11/2006 CLL 5-3 Charlesworth & Percy on Negligence 12th 2010 Christopher Walton & Roger Cooper & Simon E. Wood
Sweet & Maxwell
12/10/2010 CLL 6-2 Bowstead & Reynolds on Agency 18th * 2006 F.M.B. Reynolds QC London Sweet & Maxwell
07/07/2006 CLL 6-3 Bowstead & Reynolds on Agency 19th * 2010 Peter Watts and F.M.B. Reynolds QC Sweet & Maxwell
30/08/2010 CLL 6-4 Bowstead & Reynolds on Agency 20th * 2014 Peter Watts and F.M.B. Reynolds QC Sweet & Maxwell
30/12/2015 CLL 6-5 Bowstead & Reynolds on Agency 21st 2017 Peter Watts and F.M.B. Reynolds QC Sweet & Maxwell
20/12/2017 CLL 7-1 Gatley on Libel and Slander 10th * 2004 Patrick Milmo Q.C. and W.V. H. Rogers London Sweet & Maxwell
16/12/2003 CLL 7-2 Gatley on Libel and Slander 11th * 2008 Patrick Milmo Q.C. and W.V. H. Rogers Sweet & Maxwell
15/12/2008 CLL 7-3 Gatley on Libel and Slander 12th 2013 Professor Alastair Mulls and Richard Paekes Q.C. Sweet & Maxwell
15/05/2014 CLL 8-1 McGregor on Damages 16th * 1997 Harvey McGregor London Sweet & Maxwell
17/11/1997 CLL 8-2 McGregor on Damages 17th * 2003 Harvey McGregor London Sweet & Maxwell
11/11/2003 CLL 8-3 McGregor on Damages 18th * 2009 Harvey McGregor Sweet & Maxwell
20/10/2009 CLL 8-4 McGregor on Damages 19th * 2014 Harvey McGregor Sweet & Maxwell
04/08/2014 CLL 8-5 McGregor on Damages 20th 2018 James Edelman Sweet & Maxwell
29/12/2017 CLL 9-1 Phipson On Evidence 15th * 2000 M.N. Howard London Sweet & Maxwell
30/12/1999 CLL 9-2 Phipson On Evidence 16th * 2005 Hodge M. Malek London Sweet & Maxwell
10/09/2005 CLL 9-3 Phipson On Evidence 17th * 2010 Hodge M. Malek Sweet & Maxwell
30/08/2010 CLL 9-4 Phipson On Evidence 18th * 2013 Hodge M. Malek Sweet & Maxwell
30/08/2010 CLL 9-5 Phipson On Evidence 19th 2018 Hodge M. Malek Sweet & Maxwell
02/01/2018 CLL 10-1 Benjamin's Sale of Goods 6th * 2002 A. G. Guest London Sweet & Maxwell
22/11/2002 CLL 10-2 Benjamin's Sale of Goods 7th * 2006 A. G. Guest Thomson Sweet & Maxwell
03/10/2006 CLL 10-3 Benjamin's Sale of Goods 8th * 2010 M. Bridge Sweet & Maxwell
12/10/2010 CLL 10-4 Benjamin's Sale of Goods 10th 2017 Michael Bridge Sweet & Maxwell
07/12/2017 CLL 11-1 Goff & Jones the Law of Restitution 6th * 2002 Lord Goff of Chieveley
London Sweet & Maxwell
21/12/2002 CLL 11-2 Goff & Jones the Law of Unjust Enrichment 8th * 2011 Charles Mitchell, Paul Mitchell and Stephen Watterson
Sweet & Maxwell
23/12/2011 CLL 11-3 Goff & Jones the Law of Unjust Enrichment 9th 2016 Charles Mitchell, Paul Mitchell and Stephen Watterson
Sweet & Maxwell
11/12/2016 CLL 12-1 Arlidge, Eady & Smith on Contempt 2nd * 1999 Sir David Eady
London Sweet & Maxwell
19/12/1999 CLL 12-2 Arlidge, Eady & Smith on Contempt 4th * 2011 Sir David Eady
Sweet & Maxwell
23/12/2011 CLL 12-3 Arlidge, Eady & Smith on Contempt 5th 2017 Doctor Patricia Londono
Sweet & Maxwell
25/08/2017 CLL 13-1 Chitty on Contracts Hong Kong Specific Contracts 1st * 2004 Ribeiro PJ Thomson Sweet &
Maxwell Asia 14/10/2004 CLL 13-2 Chitty on Contracts Hong Kong Specific Contracts 2nd * 2008 Ribeiro PJ Thomson Sweet &
Maxwell Asia 08/04/2009 CLL 13-3 Chitty on Contracts Hong Kong Specific Contracts 3rd * 2013 Ribeiro PJ Sweet &
Maxwell Asia 12/03/2013 CLL 13-4 Chitty on Contracts Hong Kong Specific Contracts 4th * 2014 Brian Gilchrist Sweet &
Maxwell 12/11/2015 CLL 13-5 Chitty on Contracts Hong Kong Specific Contracts 5th * 2016 Brian Gilchrist Sweet &
Maxwell 04/10/2016 CLL 13-6 Chitty on Contracts Hong Kong Specific Contracts 6th 2019 Brian Gilchrist Sweet &
Maxwell 10/12/2019 CLL 14-1 Jackson & Powell on Professional Liability 7th * 2012 John L. Powell Sweet &
Maxwell 05/10/2012 CLL 14-2 Jackson & Powell on Professional Liability 8th 2017 John L. Powell QC & Roger Stewart QC Sweet &
Maxwell 23/03/2017 CLL 15-1 Bullen & Leake & Jacob's Hong Kong Precedents of Pleadings 1st 2013 Bokhary NPJ Sweet & Maxwell
29/11/2013 Commercial CMM 1-1 Cases & Statutes on Commercial Law 2nd 1980 Paul L.Bradbury &
A.P. Bobson Sweet &
Maxwell 02/02/1987 CMM 2-1 Charlesworth's Mercantile Law 14th * 1984 Clive M. Schmittoff & David A. G. Sarre
17/12/1989 CMM 2-2 Charlesworth's Business Law 15th * 1991 Paul Dobson & Clive M. Schmittoff
30/06/1992 CMM 2-3 Charlesworth Business Law 16th 1997 Paul Dobson Sweet &
Maxwell --- CMM 3-1 No Book --- --- --- --- --- --- CMM 4-1 Marketing English Business Law 1st 1986 Helene Briskman Financial
Training --- CMM 5-1 Goods: Sales and Securities --- 1989 Judith Sihombing Hong Kong
University Press 31/03/1990 CMM 6-1 Cheques --- 1989 Berek Roebuck Hong Kong
Press --- CMM 7-1 Documentary Credits --- 1991 Raymond Jack Butterworths 12/05/1992 CMM 8-1 Commercial Law --- 1991 Caroline Hague Hong Kong Law Journal Limited
04/08/1992 CMM 9-1 Blackstone's Statutes On Commercial Law 2nd 1992 F.D Rose International Student Edition 25/03/1995 CMM 10-1 No Book --- --- --- --- --- --- CMM 11-1 Schmitthoff's Export Trade The Law & Practice of International Trade
9th * 1990 Clive M. Schmitthoff
Stevens & Son
12/12/1991 CMM 11-2 Schmitthoff's Export Trade The Law & Practice of International
Trade 10th 2000 Leo D'Arcy M.A &
Carole Murray M.A
& Barbara Cleave LL London
Sweet &
Maxwell 09/12/2000 CMM 12-1 Joint Ventures 3rd 1996 Edgar Herzfeld &
Adam Wilson Jordans 21/11/1996 CMM 13-1 Security for Credit Law and Practice in Hong Kong --- 1992 Betty M Ho Butterworths 16/12/1999 CMM 14-1 Law of Guarantees 3th * 2001 Geraldine andrews &
Richard Millett Sweet &
Maxwell 27/07/2001 CMM 14-2 Law of Guarantees 4th * 2005 Geraldine Andrews &
Richard Millett Sweet &
Maxwell 12/04/2005 CMM 14-3 Law of Guarantees 5th * 2008 Richard Millett Sweet & Maxwell
03/03/2008 CMM 14-4 Law of Guarantees 7th 2015 Geraldine Andrews & Richard Millett Sweet & Maxwell
27/11/2015 CMM 15-1 Byles On Bills of Exchange and Cheques 27th * 2002 Eilliott &
Odgers & Phillips Sweet &
Maxwell 06/06/2002 CMM 15-2 Byles On Bills of Exchange and Cheques 29th 2013 Eilliott &
Odgers & Phillips Sweet &
Maxwell 28/07/2014 CMM 16-1 Rowlett on Principal and Surety 5th * 1999 Cabriel Moss QC and David Marks Sweet & Maxwell 06/06/2002 CMM 16-2 Rowlett on Principal and Surety 6th 1999 David Marks QC and Cabriel Moss QC Sweet & Maxwell 17/01/2012 CMM 17-1 Business Law In Hong Kong 1st * 2002 D.K. Srivastava Sweet &
Maxwell Asia 08/10/2003 CMM 17-2 Business Law In Hong Kong 2nd * 2007 D.K. Srivastava Thomson Sweet &
Maxwell Asia 06/03/2008 CMM 17-3 Business Law In Hong Kong 3rd * 2012 D.K. Srivastava Sweet &
Maxwell Asia 29/10/2012 CMM 17-4 Business Law In Hong Kong 4th * 2014 D.K. Srivastava Sweet &
Maxwell 24/09/2015 CMM 17-5 Business Law In Hong Kong 5th 2017 D.K. Srivastava Sweet &
Maxwell 04/02/2018 CMM 18-1 The Modern Contract of Guarantee 1st * 2003 Dr. James O'Donovan and Dr. John Phillips Thomson Sweet & Maxwell 10/02/2004 CMM 18-2 The Modern Contract of Guarantee 2nd English Edition 2010 Dr. James O'Donovan and Dr. John Phillips Sweet & Maxwell Thomson Reuters 31/01/2012 CMM 19-1 Hong Kong Business Law 6th 2004 Anne Carver Longman 14/05/2005 CMM 20-1 Hong Kong Business Law 2005 2005 Cheng Po Wah, Indra Clementson, Ko Sai Hong, Penelope Scott and Dora L Y Lee (Editor) The Hong Kong Association of Accounting Technicans Limited --- CMM 21-1A Practical Commercial Precedents (Volume 1) Looseleaf (Release No. 108) 2018 Daniel Rosenberg Sweet & Maxwell
10/07/1905 CMM 21-1B Practical Commercial Precedents (Volume 2) Looseleaf (Release No. 108) 2018 Daniel Rosenberg Sweet & Maxwell
10/07/1905 CMM 21-1C Practical Commercial Precedents (Volume 3) Looseleaf (Release No. 108) 2018 Daniel Rosenberg Sweet & Maxwell
04/04/2018 CMM 21-1D Practical Commercial Precedents (Volume 4) Looseleaf (Release No. 108) 2018 Daniel Rosenberg Sweet & Maxwell
04/04/2018 CMM 22-1 Commercial Law In Hong Kong 1st * 2014 Judith Sihombing LexisNexis 28/02/2014 CMM 22-2 Commercial Law In Hong Kong 2nd 2017 Judith Sihombing LexisNexis 06/01/2018 CMM 23-1 Private Equity In Hong Kong 1st 2014 Simon Luk LexisNexis 05/03/2014 CMM 24-1 Trade Descriptions (Unfair Trade Practices)(Amendment) Ordinance Guidance & Legislation [Hong Kong Practice Series] 1st 2014 David Allison Sweet & Maxwell 25/06/2014 CMM 25-1 香港大律師談民商法 初 2014 麥業成, 羅沛然 中華書局 25/06/2014 CMM 26-1 Finance --- 1994 IA Tokley Longman 22/12/2015 CMM 27-1 An Introduction to Hong Kong Business Law 5th 2019 Vanessa Stott Pearson Education Asia Limited 08/06/2019 Competition CMP 1-1 Competition Ordinance (Cap.619) --- 2015 NIL Sweet & Maxwell 09/11/2015 CMP 2-1 Butterworths Hong Kong Competition Law Handbook 1st 2015 Marc Waha LexisNexis Butterworths 18/12/2015 CMP 2-2 Butterworths Hong Kong Competition Law Handbook 2nd 2020 Carter Chim LexisNexis Butterworths 24/09/2020 CMP 3-1 Competition Law in Hong Kong: A Guide for Business Executives and Entrepreneurs 1st 2016 Raymond Chan, Mohan Datwani, Angus Young Wolters Kluwer 13/09/2016 CMP 4-1 Hong Kong Competition Law 1st 2017 Conor Quigley QC, Suzanne Rab and Contributors Oxford and Portland, Oregon 16/12/2016 CMP 5-1 香港競爭條例的解讀與實踐 --- 2017 羅祥國 黃覺岸 中華書局 21/03/2018 CMP 6-1 Competition Law 9th 2018 Richard Whish & David Bailey Oxford 12/10/2019 Company COM 1-1 Practical Company Law --- 1984 W.J Brown Pan Books
London & Sydney 28/08/1987 COM 2-1 Companies Act 1985 Insolvency Act 1986
and Related Legislation 3rd 1985 --- CCH Editions
Limited 20/11/1987 COM 3-1 Company Law --- 1985 John H Farrar &
Nigel Furey &
Brenda Hannigan &
O P Wylie London
Butterworths 16/10/1987 COM 4-1 Company Law, Swot Success Without Tears 2nd 1985 Allan Blake & Helen J.Bond
Financial Training
02/04/1988 COM 5-1 Appendixes Companies Act 1948: Table A Financial Services
ACT 1986 3rd 1985 --- CCH Edition
Limited --- COM 6-1 Smith and Keenan's Company Law 6th 1986 Denis Keenan Pitman
Limited 25/03/1995 COM 7-1 Company Law In Hong Kong --- 1986 Pauline Wallace Butterworths --- COM 8-1 Questions & Answers Company Law 2nd 1986 M.J. Griffiths &
R.M. Gregory Financial
Training 30/10/1987 COM 9-1 The International Business Companies Act, 1984 --- 1988 --- B.V.I
LTD. --- COM 10-1 Company Law Materials 12th 1988 --- Jordan & Sons Limited
--- COM 11-1 Hong Kong Company Law 2nd * 1988 Vanessa Stott Pitman Publishing
15/07/1990 COM 11-2 Hong Kong Company Law 5th * 1994 Vanessa Stott Pitman Publishing
14/10/1994 COM 11-3 Hong Kong Company Law 8th * 1998 Vanessa Stott Pitman
Limited 06/11/1998 COM 11-4 Hong Kong Company Law 12th * 2008 Vanessa Stott Pearson
Longman 19/08/2008 COM 11-5 Hong Kong Company Law 13th * 2011 Vanessa Stott Pearson 20/02/2012 COM 11-6 Hong Kong Company Law 14th * 2015 Vanessa Stott Pearson 22/09/2015 COM 11-7 Hong Kong Company Law 15th 2020 Vanessa Stott Pearson 02/06/2020 COM 12-1 Revision Workbook Company Law --- 1990 Andrew McGEE HLT
Publications 30/05/1991 COM 13-1 Charlesworth's Company Law 13th * 1987 Geoffery Morse ELBS
28/08/1987 COM 13-2 Charlesworth & Morse Company Law 14th * 1991 Geoffery Morse Sweet & Maxwell
21/08/1991 COM 13-3 Charlesworth & Morse Company Law 15th 1995 Geoffery Morse London
Sweet &
Maxwell 11/11/1995 COM 14-1 The Hong Kong Private Company A Manual of Practice 2nd 1995 John Brewer Butterworths 16/12/1999 COM 15-1 Hong Kong Company Law Cases, Materials and Comments --- 1997 Philip St J Smart & Katherine Lynch & Anna Y M Tam Butterworths 08/08/1997 COM 16-1 Gower's Principles of Modern Company Law 5th * 1992 L. C. B. Gower London Sweet & Maxwell
14/01/1993 COM 16-2 Gower and Davies' Principles of Modern Company Law 7th * 2003 Paul L. Davies Sweet &
Maxwell 13/09/2003 COM 16-3 Gower Principles of Modern Company Law 10th 2016 Paul L. Davies Sweet &
Maxwell 12/09/2017 COM 17-1 HKLRD Review Series 2002 Company Law
--- 2002 Edward LG Tyler & Dennis Hie
Sweet & Maxwell Asia
28/05/2002 COM 18-1 Company Law Powers and Accountability 1st * 2003 Loh Siew Cheung & William MF Wong LexisNexis Butterworths 17/09/2003 COM 18-2 Company Law Powers and Accountability 2nd 2017 Loh Siew Cheung William MF Wong & Kerby Lau LexisNexis 17/11/2017 COM 19-1 Hong Kong Corporate Law --- * 2006 Paul Kwan LexisNexis 18/10/2006 COM 19-2A Hong Kong Corporate Law (Volume 1) Looseleaf (Issue 18) 2017 Paul Kwan LexisNexis Butterworths 28/07/2017 COM 19-2B Hong Kong Corporate Law (Volume 2) Looseleaf (Issue 18) 2017 Paul Kwan LexisNexis 28/07/2017 COM 19-2C Hong Kong Corporate Law (Volume 3) Looseleaf (Issue 18) 2017 Paul Kwan LexisNexis 28/07/2017 COM 19-2D Hong Kong Corporate Law (Volume 4) Looseleaf (Issue 18) 2017 Paul Kwan LexisNexis 28/07/2017 COM 20-1 Butterworths Hong Kong Company Law Handbook --- * 1999 Michael Evans Butterworths --- COM 20-2 Butterworths Hong Kong Company Law Handbook 4th * 2002 Nizam Hamdan LexisNexis
Butterworths 31/03/2003 COM 20-3 Butterworths Hong Kong Company Law Handbook 6th * 2004 Sharon Kaur LexisNexis
Butterworths 27/08/2005 COM 20-4 Butterworths Hong Kong Company Law Handbook 8th * 2006 Roman Tomasic LexisNexis 15/12/2006 COM 20-5 Butterworths Hong Kong Company Law Handbook 9th * 2007 Roman Tomasic LexisNexis 27/12/2008 COM 20-6 Butterworths Hong Kong Company Law Handbook 10th * 2008 ELG Tyler LexisNexis 18/03/2009 COM 20-7 Butterworths Hong Kong Company Law Handbook 14th * 2012 ELG Tyler LexisNexis 30/10/2012 COM 20-8 Butterworths Hong Kong Company Law Handbook 15th * 2013 ELG Tyler LexisNexis 29/10/2013 COM 20-9 Butterworths Hong Kong Company Law Handbook 16th * 2014 ELG Tyler and Stefan H. C. Ho LexisNexis 26/03/2015 COM 20-10 Butterworths Hong Kong Company Law Handbook 17th * 2015 ELG Tyler and Stefan H. C. Ho LexisNexis 22/09/2015 COM 20-11 Butterworths Hong Kong Company Law Handbook 19th * 2017 ELG Tyler and Stefan H. C. Ho LexisNexis 29/06/2017 COM 20-12 Butterworths Hong Kong Company Law Handbook 20th * 2018 ELG Tyler and Stefan H. C. Ho LexisNexis 15/06/2018 COM 20-13 Butterworths Hong Kong Company Law Handbook 22nd 2020 ELG Tyler and Stefan H. C. Ho LexisNexis 25/05/2020 COM 21-1A Hong Kong Company Law Legislation and Commentary (Volume 1) Looseleaf (Issue 62) 2017 ELG Tyler and Stefan Lo LexisNexis Butterworth 09/07/1905 COM 21-1B Hong Kong Company Law Legislation and Commentary (Volume 2) Looseleaf (Issue 62) 2017 ELG Tyler and Stefan Lo LexisNexis Butterworth 09/07/1905 COM 21-1C Hong Kong Company Law Legislation and Commentary (Volume 3) Looseleaf (Issue 62) 2017 ELG Tyler and Stefan Lo LexisNexis Butterworth 09/07/1905 COM 22-1A Company Law In Hong Kong - Practice and Procedure Looseleaf (Jan 2018) 2018 Kwan J Thomson Sweet & Maxwell Asia
01/12/2017 COM 22-1B Company Law In Hong Kong - Insolvency Looseleaf (Jan 2018) 2018 Kwan J Thomson Sweet & Maxwell Asia
01/12/2017 COM 23-1 Company Ordinance (Cap 622) --- 2013 Introduced by ELG Tyler LexisNexis
28/11/2013 COM 24-1 Law of Companies in Hong Kong [The Hong Kong Law Library] 1st * 2014 Stefan HC Lo Charles Z Qu Sweet & Maxwell
25/06/2014 COM 24-2 Law of Companies in Hong Kong 2nd * 2015 Stefan HC Lo Charles Z Qu Sweet & Maxwell
11/05/2016 COM 24-3 Law of Companies in Hong Kong 3rd 2018 Stefan HC Lo Charles Z Qu Sweet & Maxwell
31/03/2019 COM 25-1 Company Law (Winding Up and Miscellaneous Provisions) Handbook 1st * 2014 ELG Tyler and Stefan H. C. Ho LexisNexis
26/03/2015 COM 25-2 Company Law (Winding Up and Miscellaneous Provisions) Handbook 3rd 2017 ELG Tyler and Stefan H. C. Ho LexisNexis
09/06/2017 COM 26-1A The Hong Kong Companies Ordinance (CAP.622) Commentary and Annotations [Hong Kong Commentary and Annotations Library] (Volume 1) 2nd * 2015 Alice Leung Sweet & Maxwell 17/11/2015 COM 26-1B The Hong Kong Companies Ordinance (CAP.622) Commentary and Annotations [Hong Kong Commentary and Annotations Library] (Volume 2) 2nd * 2015 Alice Leung Sweet & Maxwell 17/11/2015 COM 26-2A The Hong Kong Companies Ordinance (CAP.622) Commentary and Annotations [Hong Kong Commentary and Annotations Library] (Volume 1) 2017 2017 Kingeley Ong Sweet & Maxwell 29/06/2017 COM 26-2B The Hong Kong Companies Ordinance (CAP.622) Commentary and Annotations [Hong Kong Commentary and Annotations Library] (Volume 2) 2017 2017 Kingeley Ong Sweet & Maxwell 29/06/2017 COM 27-1 The Company Secretary's Handbook Practice and Procedure 10th 2016 Cheng Po Wah, Sum Heung Suet, Anna, Yuen Kam Tim, Francis Pearson
11/05/2016 COM 28-1 Sihombing's Hong Kong Company Law 2nd 2016 Judith Sihombing Wolters Kluwer
17/06/2016 COM 29-1 Concise Guide: Compliance and Company Secretarial Practice of Hobng Kong Private Companies 1st 2017 Andrew Tsang And Natalie Chan Sweet & Maxwell 31/03/2017 COM 30-1 The Law and Practice of Hong Kong Companies [The Hong Kong Law Library] 3rd 2017 John Brewer Sweet & Maxwell 01/12/2017 COM 31-1 Mayson, French & Ryan on Company Law 34th 2017-2018 Derek French Oxford University Press 07/06/2018 Contract CON 1-1 Cheshire & Fifoot's Law of Contract 10th * 1981 M P Furmston
Butterworths 18/10/1985 CON 1-2 Cheshire, Fifoot and Furmston's Law of Contract 12th * 1992 M P Furmston
16/11/1992 CON 1-3 Cheshire, Fifoot & Furmston's Law of Contract 13th * 1996 M P Furmston
Butterworths 29/10/1998 CON 1-4 Cheshire, Fifoot & Furmston's Law of Contract 14th * 2001 M P Furmston Butterworths
LexisNexis 13/09/2003 CON 1-5 Cheshire, Fifoot & Furmston's Law of Contract 16th 2012 M P Furmston Oxford 27/05/2017 CON 2-1 Concise College Texts Contract 4th * 1981 F.R Davies Sweet &
Maxwell --- CON 2-2 Concise College Texts Contract 5th 1986 F.R Davies Sweet &
Maxwell 21/08/1991 CON 3-1 Cracknell's Law Student's Companion Contract 6th 1982 Vincent Powell
-Smith London
Butterworhts 24/11/1986 CON 4-1 A Casebook On Contract 17th 1982 J.C Smith &
J.A.C Thomas London
Sweet &
Maxwell --- CON 5-1 Law of Contract Law Questions & Answers --- 1994 Ian Brown & Adrian
Chandler Blackstone
Press Limited 22/07/1995 CON 6-1 Treitel The Law of Contract 9th * 1995 G.H Treitel Sweet &
Maxwell 17/11/1997 CON 6-2 Treitel The Law of Contract 14th 2015 Edwin Peel Sweet &
Maxwell 27/10/2017 CON 7-1 Contract Law In Hong Kong Cases and Commentary --- 1996 Hong Kong London
Sweet & Maxwell Michael Fisher 03/12/1998 CON 8-1 Consensus AD Idem --- 1996 F,D Rose London Sweet
& Maxwell 09/02/1999 CON 9-1 Anson's Law of Contract 28th * 2002 J.Beatson Oxford
Press 13/09/2003 CON 9-2 Anson's Law of Contract 30th 2016 J.Beatson Oxford
Press 27/10/2017 CON 10-1 Actionable Misrepresentation 4th * 2000 Spencer Bower, Tuner and Handley Butterworths 07/01/2004 CON 10-2 Actionable Misrepresentation 5th 2014 KF Handley LexisNexis 29/09/2014 CON 11-1 Misrepresentation [Contract Law Library] 1st * 2002 John Cartwright London
Sweet &
Maxwell 03/03/2004 CON 11-2 Misrepresentation, Mistake and Non-disclosure [Contract Law Library] 4th 2017 John Cartwright Sweet & Maxwell 26/06/2017 CON 12-1 Illegality and Public Policy [Contract Law Library] 1st * 2002 R.A. Buckley
Sweet &
Maxwell 11/05/2004 CON 12-2 Illegality and Public Policy [Contract Law Library] 2nd * 2009 R.A. Buckley
Sweet &
Maxwell 29/07/2009 CON 12-3 Illegality and Public Policy [Contract Law Library] 3nd 2013 R.A. Buckley
Sweet &
Maxwell 28/07/2014 CON 13-1 The A-Z of Contract Clauses 2nd * 2003 Deborah Fosbrook
& Adrian C. Laing Sweet &
Maxwell 30/09/2003 CON 13-2 The A-Z of Contract Clauses 4th 2008 Deborah Fosbrook
& Adrian C. Laing Sweet &
Maxwell 31/03/2008 CON 14-1 Contract Law in a Nutshell 2nd * 1991 Robert Duxbury Sweet & Maxwell
12/03/1994 CON 14-2 Contract Law in a Nutshell 6th 2003 Robert Duxbury Sweet & Maxwell
02/09/2004 CON 15-1 Butterworths Hong Kong Contract Law Handbook 1st * 2003 Eunice Wong LexisNexis Butterworths
27/08/2005 CON 15-2 Butterworths Hong Kong Contract Law Handbook 4th 2019 Audrey Tan LexisNexis Butterworths
28/05/2019 CON 16-1 Frustration and Force Majeure [Contract Law Library] 2nd * 2004 Sir Guenter Treitel Thomson Sweet & Maxwell 19/10/2004 CON 16-2 Frustration and Force Majeure [Contract Law Library] 3rd 2014 Sir Guenter Treitel Sweet & Maxwell 28/07/2014 CON 17-1 The Interpretation of Contracts [Contract Law Library] 3rd * 2004 Kim Lewison, Q.C. Thomson Sweet & Maxwell 11/05/2004 CON 17-2 The Interpretation of Contracts [Contract Law Library] 4th * 2008 Kim Lewison, Q.C. Thomson Sweet & Maxwell 31/03/2008 CON 17-3 The Interpretation of Contracts [Contract Law Library] 6th 2015 Sir Kim Lewison, Lord Justice of Appeal Sweet & Maxwell 29/12/2015 CON 18-1 Elizabeth Macdonald Exemption Clauses and Unfair Terms --- 1999 Elizabath Macdonald London
Dublin 07/01/2004 CON 19-1 Restrictive Convenants under Common and Competition Law [Contract Law Library] 1st 2004 Alendndra Kamerling and Christopher Osman Thomson Sweet & Maxwell 29/12/2004 CON 20-1 Estoppel by Conduct and Election [Contract Law Library] 1st * 2006 K.R. Handley Thomson Sweet & Maxwell 26/08/2006 CON 20-2 Estoppel by Conduct and Election [Contract Law Library] 2nd 2016 K.R. Handley Sweet & Maxwell 01/04/2016 CON 21-1 Duress, Undue Influence and Unconscionable Dealing [Contract Law Library] --- 2006 Nelson Enonchong Thomson Sweet & Maxwell - CON 22-1 Contract Law in Hong Kong 1st * 2007 Michael J. Fisher & Desmond G. Greemwood Hong Kong University Press 20/08/2007 CON 22-2 Contract Law in Hong Kong Expanded 2nd * 2011 Michael J. Fisher & Desmond G. Greemwood Hong Kong University Press 08/11/2015 CON 22-3 Contract Law in Hong Kong 3rd 2018 Michael J. Fisher & Desmond G. Greemwood Hong Kong University Press 31/03/2019 CON 23-1 Law of Contract in Hong Kong Cases and Commentary 1st * 2007 Stephen Hall Lexis Nexis 04/10/2007 CON 23-2 Law of Contract in Hong Kong Cases and Commentary 2nd * 2008 Stephen Hall Lexis Nexis 21/07/2008 CON 23-3 Law of Contract in Hong Kong Cases and Commentary 3nd * 2011 Stephen Hall Lexis Nexis 30/10/2012 CON 23-4 Law of Contract in Hong Kong Cases and Commentary 4th * 2015 Stephen Hall Lexis Nexis 25/06/2016 CON 23-5 Law of Contract in Hong Kong Cases and Commentary 5th * 2018 Stephen Hall Lexis Nexis 08/12/2018 CON 23-6 Law of Contract in Hong Kong Cases and Commentary 6th 2019 Stephen Hall Lexis Nexis 15/07/2020 CON 24-1 Law of Contract Questions and Answers 2007 and 2008 6th 2008 Adrian Chandler and Ian Brown Oxford University Press 17/11/2008 CON 25-1 Ho & Hall's Hong Kong Law of Contract 3rd 2013 Betty M Ho and Stephen Hall Lexis Nexis 03/09/2013 CON 26-1 Contract Law in Hong Kong 1st 2011 Lee Mason Sweet &
Maxwell 08/11/2015 CON 27-1 Question & Answer Contract Law 2nd 2014 Marina Hamilton Pearson 18/12/2015 CON 28-1A Contract Law in Hong Kong A Comparative Analysis 1st 2016 Neil Andrews and Fan Yang Hong Kong University Press 07/06/2016 CON 28-1B 香港合約法精論 1st 2017 Neil Andrews, 楊帆,梁思臨 International Dispute Resolution Academy 國際爭議解決研究院 07/06/2016 CON 29-1 Contract Law in Hong Kong An Introductory Guide 1st 2010 Stephen D. Mau Hong Kong University Press 25/06/2016 CON 30-1 Text, Cases and Materials on Contract Law 3rd 2014 Richard Stone and James Devenney Routledge 16/12/2016 CON 31-1 The Modern Law of Contract 11th 2015 Richard Stone and James Devenney Routledge 16/12/2016 CON 32-1 Spencer Bower: Reliance-Based Estoppel 5th 2017 Piers Feltham Tom Leech QC Peter Crampin QC Joshua Winfield Bloomsbury Professional 08/09/2017 CON 33-1 Construction of Commercial Contracts in Hong Kong 1st 2017 Lee Mason LexisNexis 06/01/2018 Criminal Litigation CRM 1-1 Elliott & Wood's Casebook on Criminal Law 4th * 1982 D.W. Elliott
Celia Wells Sweet &
Maxwell 18/11/1985 CRM 1-2 Elliott and Wood's Cases and Materials on Criminal Law 12th 2016 Michael J Allen and Simon Cooper Sweet &
Maxwell 12/12/2017 CRM 2-1 Glanville Williams Textbook of Criminal Law 2nd * 1983 Glanville Williams Stevens &
Sons 16/10/1985 CRM 2-2 Glanville Williams Textbook of Criminal Law 3rd 2012 Dennis J. Baker Sweet & Maxwell 05/10/2012 CRM 3-1 Blackstone's Guide To The Criminal Justice Act 1988 Includes A Copy of The ACT --- 1988 Christopher J.
Emmins & Gary Scanlan Blackstone
Press Limited 25/03/1995 CRM 4-1 Smith and Hogan Criminal Law 6th * 1988 J.C. Smith & Brian Hogan
ELBS --- CRM 4-2 Smith and Hogan Criminal Law 7th * 1992 J.C. Smith & Brian Hogan
ELBS 02/08/1993 CRM 4-3 Smith and Hogan Criminal Law 10th * 2002 JC Smith &
Smith & Hogan LexisNexis
Butterworths 13/09/2003 CRM 4-4 Smith and Hogan's Criminal Law 14th 2015 David Ormeron QC and Karl Laird Oxford 16/12/2016 CRM 5-1 Blackstone's Statutes on Criminal Law 2nd 1991 P. R. Glazebrook Blackstone Press Limited 12/03/1994 CRM 6-1 Criminal Law Cases and Materials 4th * 1990 J.C. Smith & Brian Hogan
ELBS 12/03/1994 CRM 6-2 Criminal Law Cases and Materials 8th * 2002 J.C. Smith & Hogan LexisNexis
Butterworths 13/09/2003 CRM 6-3 Texts, Cases, and Materials on Criminal Law 12th 2017 Smith, Hogan and Ormerods Oxford University Press 19/09/2017 CRM 7-1 Criminal Procedure in Hong Kong 1st * 1990 Gary N Heilbronn China & Hong Kong
Law Studies --- CRM 7-2 Criminal Procedure in Hong Kong 2nd * 1994 Gary N Heilbronn China & Hong Kong
Law Studies 11/11/1994 CRM 7-3 Criminal Procedure in Hong Kong 2nd 1998 Gary N Heilbronn Longman --- CRM 8-1 Crime and Justice in Hong Kong --- --- 1993 Harold Traver and Jon Vagg Oxford University Press
19/04/1993 CRM 9-1 Prosecution Manual --- - Attorney General's Chambers Attorney General's Chambers
03/11/1994 CRM 10-1 Criminal Advocacy --- - Attorney General's Chambers Attorney General's Chambers
14/12/1994 CRM 11-1 Road Traffic Offences in Hong Kong --- * 1995 John L Saunders Butterworths 07/06/1996 CRM 11-2 Road Traffic Offences in Hong Kong 2nd 2008 John L Saunders, David Dufton and Raymond Wong Butterworths 20/04/2009 CRM 12-1 Criminal Law In Hong Kong Cases and Commentary 2nd 1996 Mark Findlay &
Carla Howarth &
Ian Dobinson Butterworths 06/07/1998 CRM 13-1 Sentencing in Hong Kong 3rd * 2000 I Grenville Cross & Patrick WS Cheung & Elaine
13/06/2000 CRM 13-2 Sentencing in Hong Kong 4th * 2003 I Grenville Cross & Patrick WS Cheung LexisNexis
Butterworths 19/12/2003 CRM 13-3 Sentencing in Hong Kong 5th * 2007 I Grenville Cross & Patrick WS Cheung LexisNexis 06/11/2007 CRM 13-4 Sentencing in Hong Kong 6th * 2011 I Grenville Cross & Patrick WS Cheung LexisNexis Butterworths 31/05/2011 CRM 13-5 Sentencing in Hong Kong 7th * 2015 I Grenville Cross & Patrick WS Cheung LexisNexis 24/04/2015 CRM 13-6 Sentencing in Hong Kong 8th * 2018 I Grenville Cross & Patrick WS Cheung LexisNexis 15/06/2018 CRM 13-7 Sentencing in Hong Kong 9th * 2020 I Grenville Cross & Patrick WS Cheung LexisNexis 18/06/2020 CRM 13-8 Sentencing in Hong Kong 10th 2022 I Grenville Cross & Patrick WS Cheung LexisNexis 27/06/2022 CRM 14-1 Butterworths Hong Kong Criminal Law Handbook --- 2001 Lindy Course Butterworths 09/08/2001 CRM 15-1 Butterworths Hong Kong Criminal Procedure Handbook --- 2001 Lindy Course Butterworths 20/08/2001 CRM 16-1 HKLRD Review Series 2002 Sentencing Policy
--- 2002 Patrick Cheung Wai Sun
Sweet & Maxwell Asia
06/04/2002 CRM 17-1 Bribery and Corruption Law in Hong Kong 1st * 2003 Ian McWalters Butterworths 06/02/2004 CRM 17-2 Bribery and Corruption Law in Hong Kong 2nd * 2010 Ian McWalters Butterworths 07/04/2010 CRM 17-3 Bribery and Corruption Law in Hong Kong 3rd * 2015 Ian McWalters SC LexisNexis 30/12/2015 CRM 17-4 Bribery and Corruption Law in Hong Kong 4th 2019 Ian McWalters SC Andrew Bruce SC LexisNexis 22/05/2020 CRM 18-1 Magistrates Court Manual --- 2003 Audrey Campbell-
Moffat Sweet &
Maxwell 04/04/2003 CRM 19-1 Bilingual Common Law Extracts From Criminal Cases --- 2003 Angelina Luk &
Eleanor Hui Sweet &
Asia 19/12/2003 CRM 20-1 Archbold Hong Kong 2004 2004 * 2003 The Honourable
Mr Justice Stock JA Sweet &
Maxwell --- CRM 20-1-1 Archbold Hong Kong 2004 First Supplement to the 2004 Edition 2004 * 2004 The Honourable Mr
Justice Stock JA Sweet &
Maxwell Asia --- CRM 20-1-2 Archbold Hong Kong 2004 Second Supplement to the 2004 Edition 2004 * 2004 The Honourable Mr
Justice Stock JA Sweet &
Maxwell Asia --- CRM 20-2 Archbold Hong Kong 2007 2007 * 2007 The Honourable
Mr Justice Stock JA Thomson Sweet &
Maxwell 23/11/2006 CRM 20-2-1 Archbold Hong Kong 2007 First Supplement to the 2007 Edition 2007 * 2007 The Honourable Mr
Justice Bokhary PJ ThomsonSweet &
Maxwell Asia --- CRM 20-2-2 Archbold Hong Kong 2007 Second Supplement to the 2007 Edition 2007 * 2007 The Honourable Mr
Justice Bokhary PJ ThomsonSweet &
Maxwell Asia --- CRM 20-2-3 Archbold Hong Kong 2007 Third Supplement to the 2007 Edition 2007 * 2007 The Honoutable Mr
Justice Bokhary PJ ThomsonSweet &
Maxwell Asia 23/01/1900 CRM 20-2-4 Archbold Hong Kong 2007 Forth Supplement to the 2007 Edition 2007 * 2007 The Honourable Mr
Justice Bokhary PJ ThomsonSweet &
Maxwell Asia --- CRM 20-3 Archbold Hong Kong 2009 2009 * 2008 The Honourable
Mr Justice Bokhary PJ Thomson Sweet &
Maxwell 03/10/2008 CRM 20-4 Archbold Hong Kong 2012 2012 * 2011 The Honourable
Mr Justice Bokhary PJ Sweet &
Maxwell 27/10/2011 CRM 20-5 Archbold Hong Kong 2015 2015 * 2014 The Honourable
Mr Justice Bokhary GBM, NPJ Sweet &
Maxwell 02/12/2014 CRM 20-5-1 Archbold Hong Kong 2015 [1st Supplement to the 2015 Edition] [Up to date to January 2015] 2015 * 2015 The Honourable
Mr Justice Bokhary PJ Sweet &
Maxwell 13/03/2015 CRM 20-5-2 Archbold Hong Kong 2015 [2nd Supplement to the 2015 Edition] [Up to date to 1 April 2015] 2015 * 2015 The Honourable
Mr Justice Bokhary GBM, NPJ Sweet &
Maxwell 20/05/2015 CRM 20-6 Archbold Hong Kong 2017 2017 * 2016 The Honourable
Mr Justice Bokhary GBM, NPJ Sweet &
Maxwell 29/11/2017 CRM 20-6-1 Archbold Hong Kong 2017 [1st Supplement to the 2017 Edition] [Up to date to 1 February 2017] 2017 * 2017 The Honourable
Mr Justice Bokhary NPJ Sweet &
Maxwell 10/03/2017 CRM 20-6-2 Archbold Hong Kong 2017 [2nd Supplement to the 2017 Edition] [Up to date to 15 April 2017] 2017 * 2017 The Honourable
Mr Justice Bokhary GBM, NPJ Sweet &
Maxwell 18/05/2017 CRM 20-7 Archbold Hong Kong 2018 2018 * 2017 The Honourable
Mr Justice Bokhary GBM, NPJ Sweet &
Maxwell 17/11/2017 CRM 20-7-1 Archbold Hong Kong 2018 [1st Supplement to the 2018 Edition] [Up to date to 2 February 2017] 2018 * 2018 The Honourable
Mr Justice Bokhary NPJ Sweet &
Maxwell 10/03/2018 CRM 20-7-2 Archbold Hong Kong 2018 [2nd Supplement to the 2018 Edition] [Up to date to 15 April 2018] 2018 * 2018 The Honourable
Mr Justice Bokhary NPJ Sweet &
Maxwell 01/06/2018 CRM 20-8 Archbold Hong Kong 2020 2020 2019 The Honourable
Mr Justice Bokhary GBM, NPJ Sweet &
Maxwell 04/12/2019 CRM 20-8-1 Archbold Hong Kong 2020 [Supplement to the 2020 Edition] [Updated to June 2020] 2020 2020 The Honourable
Mr Justice Bokhary NPJ Sweet &
Maxwell 06/06/2020 CRM 21-1 Understanding Criminal Justice in Hong Kong 1st * 2008 Wing Hong Chiu and T. Wing Lo Willan Publishing 18/03/2009 CRM 21-2 Understanding Criminal Justice in Hong Kong 2nd 2017 Wing Hong Chiu and T. Wing Lo Willan Publishing 09/03/2017 CRM 22-1 Introduction to Crime, Law and Justice in Hong Kong --- 2009 Mark S. Gaylord, Danny Gittings and Harold Traver Hong Kong University Press 30/08/2009 CRM 23-1 Blackstones Criminal Practice --- 2000 Peter Murphy Blackstone Press Limited 24/06/2011 CRM 24-1 The Hong Kong Anti-Money Laundering Ordinances Commentary and Annotations (Collected Volume) [Hong Kong Commentary and Annotations Library] 1st * 2014 Hans Mahncke Michael Ramsden Luke Marsh Sidney Yankson Sweet & Maxwell 18/09/2014 CRM 24-2 The Hong Kong Anti-Money Laundering Ordinances Commentary and Annotations (Collected Volume) [Hong Kong Commentary and Annotations Library] 2nd 2017 Sharon Siu Sweet & Maxwell 25/08/2017 CRM 25-1 Criminal Procedure in Hong Kong A Guide for Students and Practitioners 2nd 2012 Amanda Whitfort LexisNexis Butterworths 19/09/2017 CRM 26-1 Landmark Cases in Criminal Law 1st 2017 Philip Handler, Henry Mares and Ian Williams Bloomsbury 30/03/2019 CRM 27-1 Butterworths Hong Kong Criminal Law and Procedure Handbook 2nd 2019 Audrey Tan LexisNexis Butterworths 18/06/2019 CRM 28-1 Criminal Appeals in Hong Kong 1st 2019 Christopher Corns Sweet & Maxwell 10/12/2019 Consumer CSM 1-1 Sale of Goods and Consumer Credit 3rd 1984 A.P. Dobson Sweet &
Maxwell 26/01/1987 CSM 2-1 Consumer Law and Practice 2nd 1985 Robert Lowe &
Geoffrey Woodroffe Sweet &
Maxwell 14/10/1987 CSM 3-1 Commercial & Consumer Law, Swot Success Without Tears 2nd 1985 Graham Stephenson & Peter Clark
International Student Edition
11/11/1995 CSM 4-1 Consumer Law Statutes Revised & Updated 5th 1986 --- Monitor Press 08/10/1987 CSM 5-1 Atiyah and Adams' Sale of Goods 13th 2016 Christian Twigg-Flesner, Rick Canavan and Hector MacQueen Pearson 07/06/2018 Defamation DEF DEF
Dictionary DIC 1-1 Osborn's Concise Law Dictionary 7th * 1982 Roger Bird Sweet & Maxwell
17/03/1993 DIC 1-2 Osborn's Concise Law Dictionary 10th * 2005 Mike Woodley Thomson Sweet & Maxwell
20/08/2007 DIC 1-3 Osborn's Concise Law Dictionary 12th 2013 Mike Woodley Sweet & Maxwell
03/07/2014 DIC 2-1 英漢法律詞典 1st 1985 英漢法律詞典編寫組 法律出版社 08/07/1995 DIC 3-1 The English-Chinese Glossary of Legal Terms 英漢法律詞彙 (Vol. I, II and Appendix) 3rd * 1998 Department of Justice Department of Justice --- DIC 3-2A The English-Chinese Glossary of Legal Terms 英漢法律詞彙 (Vol. I) 4th 2004 Department of Justice Department of Justice 07/08/2007 DIC 3-2B The English-Chinese Glossary of Legal Terms 英漢法律詞彙 (Vol. II) 4th 2004 Department of Justice Department of Justice 07/08/2007 DIC 3-2C The English-Chinese Glossary of Legal Terms 英漢法律詞彙 (Appendix) 4th 2004 Department of Justice Department of Justice 07/08/2007 DIC 4-1A Stroud's Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases ( Vol. 1, A - F ) 6th * 2000 Daniel Greenberg Sweet& Maxwell
24/10/2000 DIC 4-1B Stroud's Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases ( Vol. 2, G - P ) 6th * 2000 Daniel Greenberg Sweet& Maxwell
24/10/2000 DIC 4-1C Stroud's Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases ( Vol. 3, Q - Z ) 6th * 2000 Daniel Greenberg Sweet& Maxwell
24/10/2000 DIC 4-2A Stroud's Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases (Vol. 1, A -F ) 7th * 2006 Daniel Greenberg Sweet& Maxwell
07/08/2007 DIC 4-2B Stroud's Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases (Vol. 2, G - P) 7th * 2006 Daniel Greenberg Sweet& Maxwell
07/08/2007 DIC 4-2C Stroud's Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases (Vol. 3, Q - Z ) 7th * 2006 Daniel Greenberg Sweet& Maxwell
07/08/2007 DIC 4-3A Stroud's Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases (Vol. 1, A - E) 8th * 2012 Daniel Greenberg Sweet& Maxwell
05/10/2012 DIC 4-3B Stroud's Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases (Vol 2, F - O) 8th * 2012 Daniel Greenberg Sweet& Maxwell
05/10/2012 DIC 4-3C Stroud's Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases (Vol 3, P - Z ) 8th * 2012 Daniel Greenberg Sweet& Maxwell
05/10/2012 DIC 4-4A Stroud's Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases (Vol. 1, A - E) 9th 2017 Daniel Greenberg Sweet& Maxwell
10/07/2017 DIC 4-4B Stroud's Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases (Vol. 2, F - O) 9th 2017 Daniel Greenberg Sweet& Maxwell
10/07/2017 DIC 4-4C Stroud's Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases (Vol. 3, P - Z ) 9th 2017 Daniel Greenberg Sweet& Maxwell
10/07/2017 DIC 5-1 Black's Law Dictionary 7th * 2004 Bryan A. Garner West Group --- DIC 5-2 Black's Law Dictionary 8th * 2004 Bryan A. Garner Thomson 25/02/2005 DIC 5-3 Black's Law Dictionary 9th * 2009 Bryan A. Garner Thomson Reuters 31/10/2010 DIC 5-4 Black's Law Dictionary 10th * 2014 Bryan A. Garner Thomson Reuters 03/07/2014 DIC 5-5 Black's Law Dictionary 11th 2019 Bryan A. Garner Thomson Reuters 02/10/2019 DIC 6-1 English-Chinese Glossery of Civil Commercial Law Terms 英漢民商法律詞彙 2nd 2004 Department of Justice Department of Justice
07/08/1997 DIC 7-1 Hong Kong Legal Dictionary 1st 2004 Patrick Chan CJ LexisNexis Butterworth 21/03/2005 DIC 8-1 The Concise Hong Kong English-Chinese Legal Dictionary 香港簡明英漢雙解法律詞典 1st 2004 Patrick Chan CJ LexisNexis 14/08/2007 DIC 9-1A Jowitt's Dictionary of English Law (Volume 1: A-I) 3rd 2010 Daniel Greenburg Sweet & Maxwell 12/10/2010 DIC 9-1B Jowitt's Dictionary of English Law (Volume 2: J-Z) 3rd 2010 Daniel Greenburg Sweet & Maxwell 12/10/2010 DIC 10-1 Lawyer's Latin --- 2002 John Gary Robert Hale - London 27/08/2011 DIC 11-1A Oxford Latin Dictionary (Volume I) 2nd 2012 P.G.W. Glare Oxford University Press 21/03/2013 DIC 11-1B Oxford Latin Dictionary (Volume II) 2nd 2012 P.G.W. Glare Oxford University Press 21/03/2013 DIC 12-1 英漢法律大詞典 English-Chinese Dictionary of Law Revised 2015 李宗鍔 何冠驥 呂哲盈 潘慧儀 商務印書館 06/05/2015 DIC 13-1 Oxford Dictionary of Law 8th 2015 Jonathan Law Oxford University Press 07/06/2018 DIC 14-1 實用英漢法律大詞典 Practical English-Chinese Dictionary of Law 1st 2019 彭金瑞 商務印書館 24/09/2020 DIC 15-1 香港法律語言常見拉丁詞彙 Common Latin Terms in Hong Kong Legal Language 1st 2021 鄒嘉彥 Benjamin K. Tsou 籤志安 Andy Chin City University of Hong Kong Press 18/07/2021 Discrimination DIS 1-1 Butterworths Hong Kong Discrimination Law Handbook 1st * 2006 Anthony M H Sin Butterworths 14/11/2006 DIS 1-2 Butterworths Hong Kong Discrimination Law Handbook 2nd * 2013 Anthony M H Sin LexisNexis Butterworths 28/02/2014 DIS 1-3 Butterworths Hong Kong Discrimination Law Handbook 3rd 2019 Rowan McKenzie and others LexisNexis Butterworths 22/05/2020 DIS 2-1 Discrimination Law and Practice in Hong Kong --- 2011 Duncan Abate and Hong Tran Sweet & Maxwell 02/11/2011 DIS 3-1 The Hong Kong Anti-Discrimination Ordinances Commentary and Annotations (Collected Volume) [Hong Kong Commentary and Annotations Library] --- 2013 Hectar Pun, Ann Lui and Michael Ramsden Sweet & Maxwell 10/12/2013 Election ELE 1-1 Guidelines on Election-related Activities in Respect of Legilative Council Elections
--- 1995 --- The Boundary and Election Commission
--- ELE 2-1 Guidelines on Election-related Activities in Respect of Legilative Council Elections --- 1996 --- The Boundary and Election Commission --- Employees' Compensation ECC 1-1 Butterworths Hong Kong Employees' Compensation Handbook 1st * 2001 Danny CW Tam & Edmumd SK Cham
Butterworths 12/10/2001 ECC 1-2 Butterworths Hong Kong Employees' Compensation Handbook 2nd * 2004 Danny CW Tam LexisNexis Butterworths 11/10/2004 ECC 1-3 Butterworths Hong Kong Employees' Compensation Handbook 3rd * 2007 Danny CW Tam LexisNexis 04/10/2007 ECC 1-4 Butterworths Hong Kong Employees' Compensation Handbook 4th * 2010 Danny CW Tam LexisNexis Butterworths 08/09/2010 ECC 1-5 Butterworths Hong Kong Employees' Compensation Handbook 5th * 2016 Lewis Law LexisNexis Butterworths 17/06/2016 ECC 1-6 Butterworths Hong Kong Employees' Compensation Handbook 6th 2020 Danny CW Tam LexisNexis Butterworths 02/04/2020 ECC 2-1 Employees' Compensation Manual (No.8) --- --- --- Legal Aid Department
09/04/1997 Employment EMP 1-(1) Labour Tribunal Appeal Judgments 1985-1989 --- 1985 to 1989 KNC --- 17/06/1905 EMP 1-(2) Labour Tribunal Appeal Judgments 1990-1994 --- 1990 to 1994 KNC --- 17/06/1905 EMP 1-(3) Labour Tribunal Appeal Judgments 1995-1999 --- 1995 to 1999 KNC --- 24/02/2011 EMP 1-(4) Labour Tribunal Appeal Judgments 2000-2001 --- 2000 to 2001 KNC --- 24/02/2011 EMP 1-(5) Labour Tribunal Appeal Judgments 2002 --- 2002 KNC --- 24/02/2011 EMP 1-(6) Labour Tribunal Appeal Judgments 2003 --- 2003 KNC --- 03/07/1905 EMP 1-(7) Labour Tribunal Appeal Judgments 2004 --- 2004 KNC --- 24/02/2011 EMP 1-(8) Labour Tribunal Appeal Judgments 2005-2006 --- 2005 to 2006 KNC --- 24/02/2011 EMP 1-(9) Labour Tribunal Appeal Judgments 2007-2008 --- 2007 to 2008 KNC --- 24/02/2011 EMP 1-(10) Labour Tribunal Appeal Judgments 2007-2008 --- 2009 to 2011 KNC --- 24/07/2014 EMP 2-1 A Guide to Employment Law In Hong Kong --- 1989 Clement Shum The Commercial
Press Limted 28/02/1992 EMP 3-1 Industrial Relations and Law in Hong Kong 2nd 1989 Joe England Oxford University Press --- EMP 4-1 An Introduction to Hong Kong Employment Law --- 1990 Kevin Williams Hong Kong
Oxford University
Press 30/01/1992 EMP 5-1 Blackstone's Statutes on Employment Law 2nd 1990 Richard Kidner Blackstone 12/03/1994 EMP 6-1 Employment Manual 2nd 1993 Michael J. Downey Asia Law
& Pactice 11/08/1993 EMP 7-1 Munkman On Employer's Liabitity 13th 1998 John Hendy Butterworths 03/01/2002 EMP 8-1 Employment Law in Hong Kong 1st 2006 Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer CCH Hong Kong Limited 03/11/2006 EMP 9-1 Butterworths Hong Kong Employment Law Handbook 1st * 2004 Michael Downey LexisNexis Butterworths 21/03/2005 EMP 9-2 Butterworths Hong Kong Employment Law Handbook 2nd * 2007 Michael Downey LexisNexis Butterworths 10/07/2007 EMP 9-3 Butterworths Hong Kong Employment Law Handbook 3rd * 2010 Michael Downey LexisNexis Butterworths 08/09/2010 EMP 9-4 Butterworths Hong Kong Employment Law Handbook 4th * 2013 Michael Downey LexisNexis Butterworths 30/09/2013 EMP 9-5 Butterworths Hong Kong Employment Law Handbook 6th * 2019 Patricia Yeung LexisNexis Butterworths 09/09/2019 EMP 9-6 Butterworths Hong Kong Employment Law Handbook 7th 2022 Audrey Tan LexisNexis Butterworths 05/10/2022 EMP 10-1 The Employment Ordinance An Annotated Guide Looseleaf * - Michael J. Downey IHRM Various EMP 10-2A The Employment Ordinance An Annotated Guide Looseleaf (Issue 47) 2023 Michael J. Downey IHRM LexisNexis 12/04/2023 EMP 10-2B The Employment Ordinance An Annotated Guide Looseleaf (Issue 47) 2023 Michael J. Downey IHRM LexisNexis Butterworths 12/04/2023 EMP 11-1A Hong Kong Employment Law Manual
Looseleaf (Issue 47) 2023 Michael J. Downey IHRM LexisNexis Butterworths 12/04/2023 EMP 11-1B Hong Kong Employment Law Manual
Looseleaf (Issue 47) 2023 Michael J. Downey IHRM LexisNexis Butterworths 12/04/2023 EMP 12-1 Manual for Labour Tribunal (Last Update 12/2008) --- 2008 Judicial Study Group Judiciary 01/08/2009 EMP 13-1 Employment Covenants and Confidential Information, Law Practice and Technique 3rd 2009 Kate Brearley and Selwyn Bloch QC Tottel 18/08/2009 EMP 14-1 Employment Law and Practice in Hong Kong [The Hong Kong Law Library] 1st * 2010 Rick Glofcheski Sweet & Maxwell Thomson Reuters 27/10/2010 EMP 14-2 Employment Law and Practice in Hong Kong [The Hong Kong Law Library] 2nd 2016 Rick Glofcheski Farzana Aslam Sweet & Maxwell Thomson Reuters 14/06/2016 EMP 15-1 The Hong Kong Employment Ordinances Commentary and Annotations (Collected Volume) [Hong Kong Commentary and Annotations Library] 1st 2013 Michael Ramsden, Luke March and Farzana Aslam Sweet & Maxwell 24/04/2013 EMP 16-1 常見勞資爭議細析 --- 2014 譚利祥 花千語 28/07/2014 Environmental ENV 1-1 Butterworths Hong Kong Environmental Law Handbook 1st 2001 Antonio M. Da Rosa LexisNexis
31/01/2012 Equity and Trust EQU 1-1 Cases and Commentary On the Law of Trusts 8th 1986 David J Hayton London
Stevens & Sons 08/10/1986 EQU 2-1 An Introduction to The Law of Trusts --- 1986 Paul Todd Financial
Training 29/10/1986 EQU 3-1 Equity and the Law of Trusts 6th * 1989 Philip H.Pettit ELBS
09/12/1991 EQU 3-2 Equity and the Law of Trusts 9th 2001 Philip H Pettit MA Butterworths 13/09/2003 EQU 4-1 Resulting Trusts --- 1997 Robert Chambers Clarendon Press
Oxford 25/02/2003 EQU 5-1 Snell's Equity 30th * 1999 J.A. McGhee Sweet & Maxwell
10/01/2000 EQU 5-2 Snell's Equity 31st * 2005 John McGhee Sweet &
Maxwell 12/04/2005 EQU 5-3 Snell's Equity 34th 2020 John McGhee QC and Steven Elliot QC Sweet &
Maxwell 15/01/2020 EQU 6-1 Underhill and Hayton Law of Trusts and Trustees 16th 2003 David J Hayton Butterworths 21/11/2003 EQU 7-1 Equity & Trusts Law in Hong Kong 3rd 2014 Lawrence Ma LexisNexis 30/10/2014 EQU 8-1 Principles of Equity & Trusts Law in Hong Kong 2nd * 2015 Lawrence Ma Michael Lower and Jeffrey Sham LexisNexis (Student) 25/06/2016 EQU 8-2 Principles of Equity & Trusts Law in Hong Kong 3rd 2019 Lawrence Ma Michael Lower and Jeffrey Sham LexisNexis (Student) 25/02/2020 EQU 9-1 Equity and Trusts in Hong Kong Doctrines, Remedies and Institutions 1st * 2017 Steven Gallagher Sweet & Maxwell 04/09/2017 EQU 9-2 Equity and Trusts in Hong Kong Doctrines, Remedies and Institutions 2nd 2020 Steven Gallagher Sweet & Maxwell 04/11/2020 Evidence EVI 1-1 A Practical Approach to Evidence 2nd * 1985 Peter Murphy English Language Book Society
14/08/1987 EVI 1-2 A Practical Approach to Evidence 3rd * 1988 Peter Murphy English Language Book Society
--- EVI 1-3 Murphy on Evidence 6th 1997 Peter Murphy Blackstone
Press Limited --- EVI 2-1 Law of Evidence, Swot Success Without Tears --- 1985 C.J. Carr & S.J. Beaumont
Financial Training
22/02/1988 EVI 3-1 Cross & Tapper Outline of The Law of Evidence 6th 1986 Colin Tapper London
Butterworhts 07/11/1987 EVI 4-1 Cross & Tapper on Evidence 9th 1999 Colin Tapper Butterworths 16/08/2003 EVI 5-1 Hong Kong Evidence Casebook --- 2004 Simon N.M. Young Sweet &
Maxwell 15/03/2005 EVI 6 -1 Criminal Evidence in Hong Kong Looseleaf (Issue 68) 2004 Andrew Bruce and Garard McCoy
Butterworth --- EVI 7-1 Expert Evidence Law & Practice [Litigation Library] 3rd 2010 Mark James Sweet & Maxwell 10/04/2012 EVI 8-1 Electronic Evidence 3rd 2012 Stephen Mason LexisNexis 20/02/2013 EVI 9-1 Butterworths Hong Kong Evidence Law Handbook 4th * 2016 Lindy Course LexisNexis Butterworths 06/07/2016 EVI 9-2 Butterworths Hong Kong Evidence Law Handbook 5th 2021 Audrey Tan LexisNexis Butterworths 30/07/2021 EVI 10-1 Law of Evidence in Hong Kong 1st 2020 Simon Lo Sweet & Maxwell 03/01/2021 Family FAM 1-1 Family Law, Swot Success Without Tears 3rd 1985 Duncan J. Bloy International Student Edition
--- FAM 2-1 Children and The Law --- 1990 David Freestone Hull University
Press 15/11/1990 FAM 3-1 Family Law in Hong Kong 2nd * 1986 Leonard Pegg Singapore Butterworths
01/12/1991 FAM 3-2 Family Law in Hong Kong 3rd 1994 Leonard Pegg Butterworths
Asia 20/10/1994 FAM 4-1 婚姻法學 2nd 1986 楊大文 法律出版社 13/11/1992 FAM 5-1 法律常識第十集 離婚法 --- 1991 楊培根 華社資料研究中心 23/03/1993 FAM 6-1 Bromley's Family Law 8th * 1992 P.M. Bromley &
N.V. Lowe English Language Book Society
18/09/1993 FAM 6-2 Bromley's Family Law 11th 2015
N V Lowe & G Douglas Oxford University Press
11/12/2017 FAM 7-1 Matrimonial Advocacy and Litigation 2nd 1993 Butterworths Richard
Greenslade 21/10/1993 FAM 8-1 Distribution of Matrimonial Assets On Divorce 3rd 1989 Butterworths Micheal L.
Rakusen & D. Peter Hunt & A. Jane Bridge 11/01/1994 FAM 9-1 Blackstone's Statutes on Family Law 2nd * 1992 Mika Oldham Blackstone 25/03/1995 FAM 9-2 Blackstone's Statutes on Family Law 4th 1995 Mika Oldham International
Student Edition 25/12/1996 FAM 10-1 Know-How for Family Lawyers 1st 1993 Diana Parker &
Richard Sax & Peggy Ray & Jenny Franklin Longman --- FAM 11-1 The Law Relating to Cohabitation 3rd 1993 Martin Parry Sweet &
Maxwell --- FAM 12-1 Law Questions & Answers : Family Law --- 1994 Chris Barton &
Hilary Doupe & Mary Hibbs Blackstone
Press Limited 26/01/1995 FAM 13-1 Family Law In Europe --- 1995 Carolyn Hamilton &
Kate Standley & David Hodson Butterworths 29/11/1995 FAM 14-1 The Cavendish Q & A Series Family Law --- 1995 Tracey Aquino Cavendish
Punlishing Limited 23/03/1996 FAM 15-1 中國婦女在法律上之地位 --- 1993 趙鳳 鮑家麟 稻香出版社 24/03/1996 FAM 16-1 Parent and Child --- 1993 A. B. Wilkinson &
K. McK. Norrie Sweet &
Maxwell 23/10/1996 FAM 17-1 Hong Kong Legal Practice Manuals : Family --- 1998 Philippa Hewitt &
Athena C N Liu &
Myfanwy McDonagh &
Sharon D Melloy &
Sarah Warren Sweet &
Maxwell 20/06/1998 FAM 18-1 1991-1995 Examination Question Suggested Solutions Family Law
--- 1996 University of London External Examinations HLT
Publications 26/06/1998 FAM 19-1 1996 Examination Questions Suggested Solutions Family Law --- 1996 University of London External Examinations HLT
Publications 26/06/1998 FAM 20-1 1997 Examination Questions Suggested Solutions Family Law --- 1997 University of London External Examinations HLT
Publications --- FAM 21-1 Divorce - The New Law --- 1996 Roger Bird Stephen Cretney Family Law --- FAM 22-1 Matrimonial Consent Orders and Agreement 3rd 1996 David Salter and Simon Bruce FT Law & Tax
--- FAM 23-1 Ancillary Relief Pilot Scheme, A Practical Guide --- 1997 David Burrows Family Law --- FAM 24-1 Report on Domestic Violence Ordinance --- 2005 Dennis C.K Ho The Law Society
of Hong Kong --- FAM 25-1 Butterworths Hong Kong Family Law Handbook 1st * 2005 Sharon Kaur Butterworths 21/07/2006 FAM 25-2 Butterworths Hong Kong Family Law Handbook 2nd * 2013 Elliot J Fung Lexis Nexis Butterworths 02/01/1900 FAM 25-3 Butterworths Hong Kong Family Law Handbook 3nd * 2018 --- Lexis Nexis Butterworths 11/01/1900 FAM 25-4 Butterworths Hong Kong Family Law Handbook 4th 2021 Audrey Tan Lexis Nexis Butterworths 05/10/2022 FAM 26-1 Family Law and Practice in Hong Kong [The Hong Kong Law Library] 1st * 2011 Philippa Hewitt
Sweet & Maxwell 12/01/2012 FAM 26-2 Family Law and Practice in Hong Kong [The Hong Kong Law Library] 2nd * 2014 Philippa Hewitt
Sweet & Maxwell 25/06/2014 FAM 26-3 Family Law and Practice in Hong Kong [The Hong Kong Law Library] 3rd 2018 Philippa Hewitt
Sweet & Maxwell 05/11/2018 FAM 27-1 International Trust and Divorce Litigation 2nd 2013 Mark Harper and others Jordans 16/08/2013 FAM 28-1 Hong Kong Family Court Practice 2nd 2015 Keith Hotten Azan Marwah and Shaphan Marwah
LexisNexis 23/06/2015 FAM 29-1 Family Law Practice and Procedure in Hong Kong 1st * 2010 Keith Hotten
Lexis Nexis Butterworths 25/06/2016 FAM 29-2 Family Law Practice and Procedure in Hong Kong 2nd * 2015 Keith Hotten, Azan Marwah, Shaphan Marwah
Lexis Nexis 23/08/2016 FAM 29-3 Hotten and Ho: Family Law Practice and Procedure in Hong Kong 3rd 2019 Keith Hotten, Dennis Ho
Lexis Nexis 15/07/2020 FAM 30-1 Reforming Hong Kong's Child & Family Justice System --- 2016 Anne Scully-Hill Sala Sihombing and Katherine Lynch
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 14/10/2017 FAM 31-1 Hayes & William's Family Law 5th 2016
Stephen Gilmore & Lisa Glennon Oxford University Press
07/06/2018 General GEN 1-1 Foundation of Law 4th 1981 Harry Street &
Rodney Brazier Penguin
Education --- GEN 2-1 國外法學知識译從 法學總論 --- 1981 潘念之 知識出版社 21/07/1986 GEN 3-1 香港法律18講 --- - 梁定邦,林文瀚,何美歡,黃金鴻,余若薇,練錦鴻,何兆鴻,粱愛詩,文世昌,簡家驄,高漢劍,羅榮生,李鉅林,溫嘉旋,黃軒利,馬可飛,鄧爾邦
港人協會 --- GEN 4-1 世界法律大事典 --- 1993 馬玉娥 法律出版社 --- GEN 5-1 Thiland Law Yearbook 1995 1995 Stuart Allen Asia Law &
Practice --- GEN 6-1 Vietnam Law Yearbook 1995 --- 1995 Lachaud Lepany Serres & Lussan Brouillaud & Simeon & Associes & Sinclair Roche & Temperley Asia Law &
Practice --- GEN 7-1 The Duty Lawyer Service Annual Report 1995 --- 1995 --- Duty Lawyer Service
--- GEN 8-1 China 1997 The Commercial & Legal Year Book --- 1997 Anthony Neoh Asia Law& Practice
--- GEN 9-1 香港青年法律工作者協會有限公司 --- 1997 黃英豪 香港青年法律工作者考協會有限公司
--- GEN 10-1 Asian Legal Business --- 2002 Paul Roxburgh Key Media --- Human Rights HUR 1-1 Hong Kong Human Rights issues prior to 1997 --- 1992 --- Asian Human
Rights commission --- HUR 2-1 Criminal Justice with Chinese Characteristics China's Criminal Process and Violations of Human Rights --- 1993 --- Lawyers Committee for Human Rights --- HUR 3-1 Human Rights & Spirituality --- 1996 Mark Daly Asian Human
Rights commission --- HUR 4-1 Human Rights Related Legal Reforms In Sri Lanka --- 1996 --- Asian Human
Rights commission --- HUR 5-1 Dialogue of Religions Human Right --- 1996 Mark Daly Asian Human
Rights commission --- HUR 6-1 No Book --- --- --- --- --- HUR 7-1 Non-Refoulement Law in Hong Kong 1st 2017 Kirsteen J Lau LexisNexis Burtterworths 28/07/2017 Immigration IMM 1-1 香港居民的國籍問題 1st 2002 張勇 陳玉田 三聯書店 10/04/2004 IMM 2-1 Immigration Law In Hong Kong An Interdisciplinary Study --- 2004 Johannes Chan &
Bart Rwezaura Sweet &
Maxwell 29/04/2004 IMM 3-1 人權與國籍 --- 2010 胡鴻烈 鍾期榮 圓卓文化 18/02/2012 IMM 4-1 Butterworths Hong Kong Immigration Law Handbook 3rd 2020 Hew Yang-Wahn and Lau Cheuk Kei Kevin LexisNexis Butterworths 18/09/2020 IMM 5-1 國籍的抉擇 香港永久居民身份研究 1st 2021 李浩然 尹國華 三聯書店 21/08/2021 Insurance INS 1-1 MacGillivray on Insurance Law 9th 1997 Nicholas Legh-Jones
Sweet & Maxwell London 18/05/1998 INS 2-1 Insurance Law and Practice in Hong Kong 1st * 2003 S.H. Goo Sweet & Maxwell Asia
29/04/2004 INS 2-2 Colinvaux's Law of Insurance in Hong Kong [The Hong Kong Law Library] 2nd * 2012 Robert Merkin Sweet & Maxwell 12/03/2013 INS 2-3 Colinvaux's Law of Insurance in Hong Kong 3rd 2018 Robert Merkin Sweet & Maxwell 06/10/2018 INS 3-1 Birds' Modern Insurance Law 10th 2016 John Birds Sweet & Maxwell 01/09/2016 Intellectual Property IPL 1-1A Intellectual Property in Hong Kong (Volume 1) Looseleaf (Issue 56) 2017 Douglas Clark LexisNexis Butterworths 28/07/2017 IPL 1-1B Intellectual Property in Hong Kong (Volume 2) Looseleaf (Issue 56) 2017 Douglas Clark LexisNexis 28/07/2017 IPL 2-1 軟件與版權 --- 1996 潘國雄 三聯書店有限公司
01/08/1996 IPL 3-1 Intellectual Property 3rd 1996 W.R Cornish Sweet &
Maxwell 26/10/1996 IPL 4-1 Hong Kong Patent Law 1st 1997 Averil C Waters FT Law & Tax Asia Pacific
13/05/1998 IPL 5-1 Intellectual Property & Technology Transfer In China 1st 1994 Laurence J Brahm Longman Asia
Business & Professional 07/02/2004 IPL 6-1 Butterworths Hong Kong Copyright Law Handbook 1st * 2001 Alice Lee Butterworths 16/08/2003 IPL 6-2 Butterworths Hong Kong Copyright Law Handbook 2nd * 2006 Alice Lee LexisNexis Butterworths 28/06/2007 IPL 6-3 Butterworths Hong Kong Copyright Law Handbook 4th 2017 Richard Y.M. Sham & Lincoln Cheung LexisNexis Butterworths 28/02/2017 IPL 7-1 Intellectual Property in Hong Kong 1st 2008 Michael D Pendleton & Alice Lee LexisNexis 28/06/2008 IPL 8-1 Butterworths Hong Kong Trade Marks Handbook 2nd * 2011 Alice Lee LexisNexis Butterworths 26/02/2013 IPL 8-2 Butterworths Hong Kong Trade Marks Handbook 3rd 2019 Stephanie Wong LexisNexis Butterworths 18/09/2020 IPL 9-1 The Hong Kong Patents Ordinance Commentary and Annotations [Hong Kong Commentary and Annotation Library] 1st 2012 Frederick Fong Sweet & Maxwell 17/04/2013 IPL 10-1 Butterworths Hong Kong Patents Handbook 2nd * 2011 Li Yahong LexisNexis Butterworths 30/04/2013 IPL 10-2 Butterworths Hong Kong Patents Handbook 3rd 2020 Benny Lo and Nigel Lee LexisNexis Butterworths 18/09/2020 IPL 11-1 Intellectual Property for Business 1st 2013 Ronald Yu LexisNexis 03/09/2013 IPL 12-1 Intellectual Property Law and Practice in Hong Kong 1st * 2012 Kenny Wong and Alice Lee Sweet & Maxwell
24/09/2015 IPL 12-2 Intellectual Property Law and Practice in Hong Kong 2nd 2017 Kenny Wong and Alice Lee Sweet & Maxwell
11/09/2017 IPL 13-1 Intellectual Property in Hong Kong 1st 2019 Douglas Clark LexisNexis
10/04/2019 Insurance INS 1-1 Insolvency Law 1st 1991 Steven A Frieze Longman 18/09/1993 INS 2-1 Kerr & Hunter on Receivers and Administrators 12th 2018 Thomas Robinson Professor Peter Walton Sweet & Maxwell 24/01/2018 Journals JOU 1 Hong Kong Law Journal (Volume 1 - 51) --- 1971 to 2021 Rick Glofcheski Sweet & Maxwell
Various JOU 2-1 The New Gazette (Aug 89 - Jul 96) --- 1989 to 1996 ---
Asia Law & Practice
Various JOU 3-1 Hong Kong Lawyer --- 1993 to 2019 Huen Wong Thomson Reuters Various JOU 4-1 Asia Pacific Law Review --- 1994 City Polytechnic of
Hong Kong Longman Various JOU 5-1 Asian Law Journal (Volumes 1 - 4) --- - A.M. Poppy --- Various Jurispudence JUR 1-1 An Introduction to Legal Reasoning --- 1949 Edward H. Levi The University
of Chicago Press --- JUR 2-1 The Concept of Law --- 1961 H.L.A Hart Clarendon
Law Series 09/12/1985 JUR 3-1 Law, Liberty and Morality --- 1963 H.L.A Hart Oxford University Press --- JUR 4-1 Jurists: Profiles in Legal Theory --- 1981 Neil MacCormick Edward
Arnold 29/01/1986 JUR 5-1 Marxism and Law --- 1984 Hugh Collins Oxford University Press --- JUR 6-1 Introduction to Legal Method 2nd 1984 John H. Farrar &
Anthony M. Dugdale Sweet &
Maxwell 11/10/1990 Land and Conveyancing LAN 1-1 Megarry's Manual of The Law of Real Property 6th 1982 David J. Hayton London
Stevens &
Sons Limited --- LAN 2-1 The Law of Property 2nd 1982 F. H Lawson &
Bernard Rudden Clarendon
Law Series --- LAN 3-1 Butterworths Property Law Handbook --- 1984 Ernest H Scamell London
Butterworths 07/05/1986 LAN 4-1 Cases & Statutes on Land Law 2nd 1986 E.L.G Tyler London Sweet
& Maxwell 26/01/1987 LAN 5-1 Conveyancing 2nd 1987 IR Storey London
Butterworths --- LAN 6-1 香港房地產法 --- 1988 李宗鍔 商務印書館 19/07/1990 LAN 7-1 Multi-Storey Building Management --- 1990 Sarah Nield & Judith Sihombing Hong Kong Law Journal Limited
24/09/1991 LAN 8-1 Hong Kong Land Law --- 1991 Sarah Nield Longman Group (Far East) Limited 15/09/1992 LAN 9-1 Registration of Title in Hong Kong --- 1995 Peter Willougby &
Michael Wilkinson Butterworths 16/12/1999 LAN 10-1 A Student's Guide to Hong Kong Conveyancing 2nd * 1997 Judith Sihombing &
Michael Wilkinson Butterworths 22/09/1997 LAN 10-2 A Student's Guide to Hong Kong Conveyancing 4th * 2002 Judith Sihombing
Michael Wilkinson LexisNexis Butterworths 06/07/2005 LAN 10-3 A Student's Guide to Hong Kong Conveyancing 5th * 2007 Judith Sihombing
Michael Wilkinson LexisNexis 04/10/2007 LAN 10-4 A Student's Guide to Hong Kong Conveyancing 6th * 2011 Judith Sihombing
Michael Wilkinson LexisNexis 31/01/2012 LAN 10-5 A Guide to Hong Kong Conveyancing 7th * 2014 Judith Sihombing
Michael Wilkinson LexisNexis 26/03/2015 LAN 10-6 Hong Kong Conveyancing Law 8th 2018 Judith Sihombing
Michael Wilkinson LexisNexis 26/10/2018 LAN 11-1 Land Law in Hong Kong 1st * 1998 S H Goo Butterworths 29/10/1998 LAN 11-2 Land Law in Hong Kong 2nd * 2003 Alice Lee LexisNexis
Butterworths 07/06/2005 LAN 11-3 Land Law in Hong Kong 3rd * 2010 SH Goo & Alice Lee LexisNexis
Butterworths 08/09/2010 LAN 11-4 Land Law in Hong Kong 4th 2015 SH Goo & Alice Lee LexisNexis 25/06/2016 LAN 12-1 Strata Title in Malaysia 1st 1999 Jamila Hussain Pelanduk
Publications 09/04/2004 LAN 13-1 Land Compensation and Valuation Law in Hong Kong 2nd * 1999 Gordon N Gruden Butterworths
Asia 15/07/1999 LAN 13-2 Land Compensation and Valuation Law in Hong Kong 3rd * 2009 Gordon N Gruden LexisNexis 09/07/2009 LAN 13-3 Land Compensation and Valuation Law in Hong Kong 4th 2017 Gordon N Gruden and Lisa Jane Cruden LexisNexis 26/04/2017 LAN 14-1 The Law of Real Property, Megarry & Wade 6th * 2000 Charles Harpum Sweet & Maxwell 08/01/2000 LAN 14-2 The Law of Real Property, Megarry & Wade 8th 2012 Charles Harpum, Stuart Bridge and Martin Dixon Sweet & Maxwell 30/03/2019 LAN 15-1 Conveyancing and Property Law 2nd 2001 Walter YW Lee & Jenny SC Chung & Jessica PF Lau & Allen WH Che & Lai Yiu Conita S.C.
Leung 16/08/2003 LAN 16-1 Cousins The Law of Mortgages 2nd 2001 Edward F.Conusins
Ian Clarke Sweet &
Maxwell 30/10/2001 LAN 17-1 HLRD Review Series 2002 Land Law --- 2002 Judith Sihombing Sweet &
Maxwell Asia 14/03/2002 LAN 18-1 Gale Easements 17th 2002 Jonathan Gaunt &
Paul Morgan Sweet &
Maxwell 22/11/2002 LAN 19-1 Land Administration and Practice in Hong Kong 2nd * 2008 Roger Nissim Hong Kong University Press --- LAN 19-2 Land Administration and Practice in Hong Kong 4th 2016 Roger Nissim Hong Kong University Press 10/01/1900 LAN 20-1 Adverse Possession 2nd 2011 Stephen Jourdan QC Oliver Radley-Gardner Bloomsbury Professional 04/01/1900 LAN 21-1 Butterworths Hong Kong Conveyancing and Property Law Handbook 4th 2015 Felix Hoe and others LexisNexus Butterworths 24/04/2015 LAN 22-1 Property Law in Hong Kong 2nd 2014 Stephen D. Mau Hong Kong University Press 08/11/2015 LAN 23-1 The Unruly New Territories --- 2020 Melcolm Merry Hong Kong University Press 15/07/2020 Landlord and Tenant L&T 1-1 Hong Kong Tenancy Law 2nd * 1989 Malcolm Merry Butterworths
24/02/1990 L&T 1-2 Hong Kong Tenancy Law 3rd * 1997 Malcolm Merry Butterworths 02/05/1997 L&T 1-3 Hong Kong Tenancy Law 4th * 2003 Malcolm Merry LexisNexis
Butterworths 10/12/2003 L&T 1-4 Hong Kong Tenancy Law 5th * 2010 Malcolm Merry LexisNexis
Butterworths 11/10/2010 L&T 1-5 Hong Kong Tenancy Law 6th 2016 Malcolm Merry LexisNexis
Butterworths 04/01/2017 L&T 2-1 Domestic Tenancies 1st 1997 Malcolm Merry Butterworths Asia 21/01/1998 L&T 3-1 Enforceability of Landlord and Tenant Covenants 1st 1997 T.M Fancourt London Sweet
& Maxwell 16/08/2003 Law Lectures and Essays LLE 1-(1) The Hamlyn Lectures - English Law - The New Dimension (26 Series) --- 1974 Leslie Scarman London
Stevens & Sons Limited --- LLE 1-(2) The Hamlyn Lectures - Blackstone's Tower: The English Law School --- 1994 William Twining Sweet & Maxwell 12/02/1996 LLE 2 Law Lectures for Practitioners --- 1976 to 2004 --- Thomson Sweet & Maxwell Asia
Various LLE 3-1 Essays in Malaysian Law --- 1991 R.H. Hickling Pelanduk
Publications 06/04/2004 LLE 4-1 Developments in Malaysian Law --- 1992 Kuala Lumpur Pelanduk
Publications 25/03/1993 LLE 5-1 The Sultan Azlan Shah Law Lectures --- 1999 --- Pelanduk Publications 30/12/2005 LLE 6-1 Constitutional Monarchy, Rule of Law and Good Governance Selected Essays and Speeches, HRH Sultan Azlan Shah --- 2004 Professor Dato' Seri Visu Sinnadurai Thomson Sweet & Maxwell Asia 28/07/2005 LLE 7-(1) The Common Law Lecture Series 2005 --- 2006 Jessica Young and Rebecca Lee Faculty of Law The University of Hong Kong 23/06/2007 LLE 7-(2) The Common Law Lecture Series 2006-2007 --- 2008 Jessica Young and Rebecca Lee Faculty of Law The University of Hong Kong 02/05/2014 LLE 7-(3) The Common Law Lecture Series 2010 --- 2011 Jessica Young and Rebecca Lee Faculty of Law The University of Hong Kong 02/05/2014 LLE 7-(4) The Common Law Lecture Series 2011-2013 --- 2013 Jessica Young and Rebecca Lee Faculty of Law The University of Hong Kong 02/05/2014 Legal History LLH 1-1 中國法制史簡明教程 --- 1987 莆堅,趙昆坡 北京大學出版社 05/05/1990 LLH 2-1A The History of the Laws and Courts of Hong Kong from the Earliest Period to 1898 (Vol. 1) --- 1898 James William Norton-Kyshe Vetch and Lee 14/10/2017 LLH 2-1B The History of the Laws and Courts of Hong Kong from the Earliest Period to 1898 (Vol. 2) --- 1898 James William Norton-Kyshe Vetch and Lee 14/10/2017 LLH 3-1 最高人民法院特別軍事法庭審判日本戰犯紀實 --- 2005 王戰平 人民法院出版社法律出版社 02/07/2007 LLH 4-1 Celebrating A Centenary The Law Society of Hong Kong 1907-2007 2007 Ivan Tong The Law Society of Hong Kong 20/12/2007 LLH 5-1 [雪泥鴻爪] 法庭傳譯四十年 --- 2011 方振文 建康教室有限公司 23/07/2011 LLH 6-1 A Magistrate's Court in Nineteenth Century Hong Kong --- 2005 Gillian Bickley Proverse Hong Kong 27/08/2011 LLH 7-1 1984-1997 香港司法體制沿革 --- 2012 尤韶華 商務印書館 25/06/2012 LLH 8-1 Hong Kong's Court of Final Appeal --- 2014 Simon N.M. Young and Yash Ghai Cambridge 24/03/2014 LLH 9-1A 日軍在港戰爭罪行 戰犯審訊及其研究 (上冊) 初 2015 劉智鵬 丁新豹 中華書局 20/11/2015 LLH 9-1B 日軍在港戰爭罪行 戰犯審訊及其研究 (下冊) 初 2015 劉智鵬 丁新豹 中華書局 20/11/2015 LLH 10-1 伯力城審判 沉默半個世紀的證言 1st 2015 孫家紅 九州出版社 13/12/2015 LLH 11-1 Crime, Justice and Punishment in Colonial Hong Kong Central Magistracy and Victoria Goal 1st 2020 May Holdworth & Christopher Munn Hong Kong University Press 24/09/2020 Legal Practice LLP 1-1 The Law Society of Hong Kong (Circulars on Courts and Circulars on Property and Probate) 1965 to 1989 --- 1965 to 1989 --- Law Society of Hong Kong Various LLP 2-1 Solicitors and their Business Clients 2nd 1985 A.G King MA
Solicitor & J.S
Barlow MA Unwin
Brother --- LLP 3-1 Starting In Parctice: A Guide for Articled Clerks and Trainee Legal Executives --- 1984 Roger Bird Sweet &
Maxwell 10/09/1988 LLP 4-1 A Practical Approach to Legal Advice & Drafting 2nd 1987 Susan Blake Blackstone Press Limited --- LLP 5-1 Articles In the Provinces 1st 1988 Richard Fleetwood &
Mark Field Holywell
Press Limited --- LLP 6-1 Law Society Circulars --- 1992 to 2000 --- Law Society of Hong Kong Various LLP 7-1 法律服務諮詢文件 --- 1995 --- 香港律政署
--- LLP 8-1 The Asian Investment Law Directory 1995 --- 1995 Mark Cusick Asia Law &
Practice --- LLP 9-1 A Legal Guide for Investors in Guangdong and Hong Kong --- 1995 --- ICAC & GPPP
--- LLP 10-1 The Asia Pacific Legal 500 --- 1996 to 2001 John Pritchard Legalease --- LLP 11-1 律師 Nov 1997 --- 1997 包偉峰 澳洲律師公會 --- LLP 12-1 Bar List 香港執業大律師名冊 --- 1992 to 2017 --- LexisNexis Various LLP 13-1 The Law List 法律界名錄 --- 1995 to 2015 --- The Law Society of Hong Kong Various LLP 14-1 Who's Who of the Law 98 --- 1998 Maria McFadden &
Emma Sangster Claire Preen &
Michael Shipley --- LLP 15-1 WWL Who's Who Legal 2018 2018 * 2018 Rupert Wilson Law Business Research Limited --- LLP 15-2 WWL Who's Who Legal 2019 2019 2019 Rupert Wilson Law Business Research Limited 25/01/1900 LLP 15-1 Directory of Hong Kong Law Firms 香港律師行指南 --- * 2013 --- The Law Society of Hong Kong 28/01/1900 LLP 15-2 Directory of Hong Kong Law Firms 香港律師行指南 --- 2015 --- The Law Society of Hong Kong 15/01/1900 LLP 16-1 The Law Society of Hong Kong Annual Report --- - --- The Law Society of Hong Kong
Various LLP 17-1 The Authorised Hong Kong Law Reports & Digest (Practice Directions)
香港法律匯報與摘錄 (實務指引) Looseleaf - --- Thomson Sweet & Maxwell Asia
Various LLP 18-1 Study on the Prospects of Development of Legal Practice by Hong Kong Law Firms in the Pearl River Delta Region Research Report 香港律師事務所在珠江三角洲地區業務發展 --- 2011 --- The Law Society of Hong Kong 香港律師會/Sun Yat-Sen University 中山大學 01/04/2011 LLP 16-1 Legal Practitioners Ordinance Commentary and Annotations [Hong Kong Practice Series] --- 2015 Vince Chong Tze Ning Sweet & Maxwell 13/01/1900 Law Report LLR 1 The Hong Kong Law Reports --- 1905 to 1996 P. St. J. Smart The Government Printer
05/09/1992 LLR 1 The Authorised Hong Kong Law Reports & Digest
--- 1996 to 2019 The Honourable Mr. Justice Bokhary GBM NPJ Sweet & Maxwell
Various LLR 1A The Authorised Hong Kong Law Reports & Digest Year Book
--- 1996 to 2019 The Honourable Mr. Justice Bokhary GBM NPJ Sweet & Maxwell
Various LLR 2 The All England Law Reports --- 1936 to 2016 Karen Widdicombe Wendy Herring Butterworths
LexisNexis Various LLR 2-1A The All England Law Reports Consolidated Tables and Index (Vol. 1 to 3) --- 1936 to 2002 --- LexisNexis UK --- LLR 2-1B-1 The All England Law Reports Annual Review 2004 --- 2004 ---
LexisNexis Butterworths --- LLR 2-1B-2 The All England Law Reports Annual Review 2005 ---- 2005 ---- LexisNexis Butterworths --- LLR 3 Hong Kong Cases --- 1842-1910; 1946 to 2018 WS Clarke LexisNexis
Hong Kong Various LLR 4 District Court Law Report --- 1953 to 1995 R. Winter The Law Reports of Hong Kong
Various LLR 5 Family Law (Vols 1 - 29) --- 1971 to 1999 --- --- Various LLR 6-1 A Digest of Hong Kong Civil Case Law (1980 - 1991) --- 1980 to 1991 Frank Addison --- 09/11/1995 LLR 7 Family Law Reports --- 1980 to 2006 --- --- Various LLR 8 Hong Kong Conveyancing and Property Reports --- 1980 to 2021 GN Cruden
Various LLR 8A Hong Kong Conveyancing and Property Reports Consolidated Index 1980 - 1997 --- 2002 HH Judge GN Cruden
02/12/1998 LLR 9 Hong Kong Law Digest Yearbook --- 1985 to 1996 Behroze Jokhi
FT Law & Tax Asia Pacific Various LLR 10 The Hong Kong Criminal Law Reports --- 1992 to 1995 The Honourable Mr. Justice Silke The Government Printer 05/09/1992 LLR 11 Hong Kong Family Law Reports --- 2005 to 2021 The Honourable Madam Justice Bebe Pui Ying Chu and others LexisNexis Butterworths Various LLR 12-2A Hong Kong Case Citator (A-L) 2007 Reissue * 2007 Loo Lai Mee LexisNexis
29/12/2006 LLR 12-2B Hong Kong Case Citator (M-Z) 2007 Reissue * 2007 Loo Lai Mee LexisNexis
29/12/2006 LLR 12-2-1 Hong Kong Case Citator Cumulative Supplement Issue 1 --- * 2007 --- LexisNexis
--- LLR 12-2-2 Hong Kong Case Citator Cumulative Supplement Issue 2 --- * 2007 --- LexisNexis
--- LLR 12-2-3 Hong Kong Case Citator Cumulative Supplement Issue 3 --- * 2008 --- LexisNexis
--- LLR 12-2-4 Hong Kong Case Citator Cumulative Supplement Issue 4 --- * 2008 --- LexisNexis
24/12/2008 LLR 12-2-5 Hong Kong Case Citator Cumulative Supplement Issue 5 --- * 2009 --- LexisNexis
25/06/2009 LLR 12-2-6 Hong Kong Case Citator Cumulative Supplement Issue 6 --- * 2009 --- LexisNexis
--- LLR 12-2-7 Hong Kong Case Citator Cumulative Supplement Issue 7 --- * 2010 --- LexisNexis
--- LLR 12-2-8 Hong Kong Case Citator Cumulative Supplement Issue 8 --- * 2010 --- LexisNexis
22/12/2010 LLR 12-3A Hong Kong Case Citator (A-L) 2011 Reissue 2011 --- LexisNexis
23/12/2011 LLR 12-3B Hong Kong Case Citator (M-Z) 2011 Reissue 2011 --- LexisNexis
23/12/2011 LLR 12-3-5 Hong Kong Case Citator 2004 Cumulative Supplement Issue 5 --- * 2014 --- LexisNexis
29/05/2014 LLR 12-3-6 Hong Kong Case Citator 2014 Cumulative Supplement Issue 6 --- * 2014 --- LexisNexis
25/11/2014 LLR 12-3-7 Hong Kong Case Citator 2015 Cumulative Supplement Issue 8 --- * 2015 --- LexisNexis
23/11/2015 LLR 12-3-8 Hong Kong Case Citator 2016 Cumulative Supplement Issue 9 --- * 2016 --- LexisNexis Butterworths
24/05/2016 LLR 12-3-9 Hong Kong Case Citator 2016 Cumulative Supplement Issue 10 --- * 2016 --- LexisNexis Butterworths
16/11/2016 LLR 12-3-10 Hong Kong Case Citator 2017 Cumulative Supplement Issue 1 --- * 2017 --- LexisNexis Butterworths
26/05/2017 LLR 12-3-11 Hong Kong Case Citator 2018 Cumulative Supplement Issue 3 --- * 2018 --- LexisNexis Butterworths
28/05/2018 LLR 12-3-12 Hong Kong Case Citator 2018 Cumulative Supplement Issue 4 --- * 2018 --- LexisNexis Butterworths
17/12/2018 LLR 12-3-13 Hong Kong Case Citator 2019 Cumulative Supplement Issue 6 --- * 2019 --- LexisNexis Butterworths
08/11/2019 LLR 12-3-14 Hong Kong Case Citator 2020 Cumulative Supplement Issue 7 --- * 2020 --- LexisNexis Butterworths
16/06/2020 LLR 12-3-15 Hong Kong Case Citator 2020 Cumulative Supplement Issue 8 --- * 2020 --- LexisNexis Butterworths
09/11/2020 LLR 12-3-16 Hong Kong Case Citator 2021 Cumulative Supplement Issue 9 --- * 2021 --- LexisNexis Butterworths
30/07/2021 LLR 12-3-17 Hong Kong Case Citator 2021 Cumulative Supplement Issue 10 --- * 2021 --- LexisNexis Butterworths 20/12/2021 LLR 12-3-18 Hong Kong Case Citator 2022 Cumulative Supplement Issue 11 --- * 2022 --- LexisNexis Butterworths 23/11/2022 LLR 12-3-19 Hong Kong Case Citator 2022 Cumulative Supplement Issue 12 --- * 2022 --- LexisNexis Butterworths 19/12/2022 LLR 12-3-20 Hong Kong Case Citator 2023 Cumulative Supplement Issue 13 2023 --- LexisNexis Butterworths 23/08/2023 LLR 13 The Authorised Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Reports --- 1997 to 2010 Neerav Srivastava Sweet & Maxwell
Various LLR 14-1A Consolidated Index To All Reported Hong Kong Decisions (Vol. 1) 2007 Reissue 2007 --- LexisNexis 10/03/2008 LLR 14-1B Consolidated Index To All Reported Hong Kong Decisions (Vol. 2) 2007 Reissue 2007 --- LexisNexis 10/03/2008 LLR 14-1C Consolidated Index To All Reported Hong Kong Decisions (Vol. 3) 2007 Reissue 2007 --- LexisNexis 10/03/2008 LLR 14-1D Consolidated Index To All Reported Hong Kong Decisions (Vol. 4) 2007 Reissue 2007 --- LexisNexis 10/03/2008 LLR 14-1E Consolidated Index To All Reported Hong Kong Decisions (Vol. 5) 2007 Reissue 2007 --- LexisNexis 10/03/2008 LLR 14-1-1 2007 Cumulative Supplement Issue 1 --- * 2007 --- LexisNexis --- LLR 14-1-2 2007 Cumulative Supplement Issue 2 --- * 2007 --- LexisNexis --- LLR 14-1-3 2008 Cumulative Supplement Issue 3 --- * 2008 --- LexisNexis --- LLR 14-1-4 2008 Cumulative Supplement Issue 4 --- * 2008 --- LexisNexis 24/12/2008 LLR 14-1-5 2018 Cumulative Supplement Issue 3 --- 2018 --- LexisNexis 14/05/2018 Legal System LLS 1-1 General Principles of English Law 5th 1979 P.W.D. Redmond &
J.P. Price & I.N. Stevens Macdonald and
Evans --- LLS 2-1 English Law 7th 1982 Denis Keenan Pitman 29/03/1983 LLS 3-1 香港法制與基本法 --- 1986 陳弘毅 廣角鏡出版社有限公司
--- LLS 4-1 香港法律概述 --- 1987 李澤沛 法律出版社 --- LLS 5-1 當代中國的檢察制度 --- 1987 李士英 中國社會科學出版社
--- LLS 6-1 An Introduction to the Hong Kong Legal System 2nd 1993 Peter Wesley - Smith
Hong Kong Oxford University Press
22/09/1994 LLS 7-1 Legal System in Hong Kong --- 1991 --- Legal Departmant Hong Kong Government
--- LLS 8-1 English Legal System In A Nutshell 2nd 1992 Penny Darbyshire Sweet &
Maxwell 25/03/1995 LLS 9-1 Roman Law --- - Andrew Borkowski International
Student 25/03/1995 LLS 10-1 English Legal System --- 1994 D.G. Cracknell Old Bailey
Press --- LLS 11-1 The Law of Advocates and Solicitors in Singapore and West Malaysia --- 1991 Tan Yock Lin Malayan Law
Journal Sdn Bhd 19/05/1995 LLS 12-1 The Canadian Legal System 4th 1995 Gerald L.Gall Carswell 01/11/1996 LLS 13-1 Smith & Bailey On the Modern English Legal System 3rd 1996 S.H. Bailey &
M.J. Gunn Sweet &
Maxwell 02/01/1997 LLS 14-1 Juries A Hong Kong Perspective --- 1992 Peter Duff, Mark Finlay, Carla Howarth, Chan Tsang Fai Hong Kong University Press 香港大學出版社 09/02/1999 LLS 15-1 The Spanish Legal System --- 1996 Elena Merino-
Blanco Sweet &
Maxwell 28/06/2003 LLS 16-1 Japanese Legal System 2nd 2002 Meryll Dean Cavendish
Publishing Limited 04/09/2003 LLS 17-1 The English Legal System --- 2002 John Wheeler Longman 13/09/2003 LLS 18-1 Malaysian Legal System --- 1999 Sharifah Suhana
Ahmad Malayan Law
Journal Sdn Bhd 09/04/2004 LLS 19-1 Law and Justice in Hong Kong 1st * 2014 Eric C Ip Sweet & Maxwell (Student) 26/09/2015 LLS 19-2 Law and Justice in Hong Kong 2nd * 2017 Eric C Ip Sweet & Maxwell (Student) 08/12/2017 LLS 19-3 Law and Justice in Hong Kong 3rd 2019 Eric C Ip Sweet & Maxwell (Student) 25/02/2020 LLS 20-1 香港司法制度 1st 2013 朱國斌,黃輝 中華書局 20/11/2015 LLS 21-1 The English Legal System 2016-2017 17th 2016 Gary Slapper & David Kelly Routledge 06/03/2017 LLS 22-1 The Hong Kong Legal System 1st 2012 Stefan H C Lo and Wing Hong Chiu McGraw Hill Education 19/09/2017 LLS 23-1 Paths of Justice 1st 2018 Johannes M.M. Chan HKU Press 30/03/2019 LLS 24-1 Text, Cases and Commentary on the Hong Kong Legal System 1st 2019 Michael John Fisher HKU Press 08/06/2019 Law Reform and Policy LRP 1-1 The Law Commission Family Law The Ground for Divorce --- 1990 --- London: HMSO
--- LRP 2-1 Consultation Paper On Legal Services --- 1995 Attorney General's
Chambers Attorney General's
Chambers --- LRP 2-1 The Law Reform Commision of Hong Kong --- 1998 --- Hong Kong Special Administrative Region People's Republic of China
--- LRP 3-1 家庭暴力條例檢查報告書 --- - --- The Law Society of Hong Kong
--- LRP 4-1 Civil Justice Reform (Final Report) Executive Summary --- - --- Hong Kong Special Administrative Region People's Republic of China --- LRP 5-1 Civil Justice Reform (Final Report) --- - --- Hong Kong Special Administrative Region People's Republic of China --- LRP 6-1 家庭暴力條例檢查報告書 --- - --- The Law Society of Hong Kong
--- LRP 7-1 施政報告 1993 - 1994 --- - 彭定康 香港政府 --- LRP 8-1 政策大綱 1994年 施政報告 --- - 彭定康 香港政府 --- LRP 9-1 香港雙語法制語言與翻譯 1st 2019 湛樹基 李劍雄 香港大學出版社 18/07/2021 Mediation MED 1-1 "Mediate First" Conference in Hong Kong 1st 2014 Mediation Team, Department of Justice, HKSAR LexisNexis 24/03/2014 MED 2-1 Hong Kong Annotated Statutes Mediation Ordinance (CAP 620) 1st 2014 Nadja Alexander Wolters Kluwer Law & Business 08/04/2014 MED 3-1 Hong Kong Mediation Handbook 2nd 2014 Raymond HM Leung Sweet & Maxwell 30/07/2014 MED 4-1 Asia Mediation Handbook 1st 2015 Raymond HM Leung Sweet & Maxwell 05/06/2015 MED 5-1 Hong Kong Mediation Ordinance 1st 2013 Claire Wilson Sweet & Maxwell 23/03/2017 MED 6-1 The Hong Kong Mediation Manual 3rd 2022 Nadja Alexander, Iu Ting Kwok, Ada Chen, Rimsky Yuen LexisNexis 12/08/2022 MED 7-1 Mediation Practice Manual for Hong Kong 1st 2020 Chan Bing Woon Hong Kong Arbitration Society 14/09/2022 MED 8-1 Butterworths Alternative Dispute Resolution Handbook 3rd 2022 Christopher To, Damon So, Iu Ting-kwok, Andy C Y Kwok LexisNexis Butterworths 20/11/2023 Media MDA 1-1 Hong Kong Media Law 2nd Expanded 2014 Doreen Weisenhaus Hong Kong University Press 11/05/2016 Medical MDI 1-1 Medical Law and Ethics in Hong Kong 1st 2016 Dr. Abraham Wai, Dr. David Wong, Dr. Gavin Joynt, Dr. Rita Cheung Sweet & Maxwell 24/08/2016 MDI 2-1 Medical Treatment: Decisions and the Law 3rd 2016 Christopher Johnston QC Bloomsbury Professional 08/09/2017 MDI 3-1 Great Debates in Medical Law & Ethics --- 2014 Imogen Goold & Jonathan Herring Palgrave 07/06/2018 MDI 4-1 Medical Negligence in Hong Kong and How to Avoid It An Introductory Guide --- 2019 Cheong Peng Meng Hong Kong University Press 26/10/2019 Miscellaneous MIS 1-1 Triad Societies in Hong Kong --- 1960 W.P. Morgan Government Press 13/07/1996 MIS 2-1 A Seventh Child and the Law --- 1998 Patrick Yu Shuk-siu Hong Kong University Press --- MIS 3-1 How Are We Judged --- 2000 Benjamin T M Liu City University of Hong Kong Press 24/06/2000 MIS 4-1 The Walking Guide to Lawyers' London --- 2000 Andrew Goodman Blackstone Press 15/09/2001 MIS 5-1 Tales from No.9 Ice House Street --- 2002 Patrick Yu Shuk-siu Hong Kong University Press 11/06/2002 MIS 6-1 驚濤歲月中的香港黑社會 --- 2003 廖子明著 孫衛忠譯 網上電子出版有限公司 30/07/2003 MIS 7-1 Just Lawyers --- 1999 Christine Parker Oxford University Press 15/09/2003 MIS 8-1 Defending the Law "Golden Tooth's Glances Back --- 2008 Cheng Huan Cosmos Books 31/10/2010 MIS 9-1 香港三合會 來歷、堂口與掌故 --- 2011 葉勇勝 億苑出版社 26/06/2011 MIS 10-1 Recollections --- 2013 Kemal Bokhary Sweet & Maxwell 25/04/2013 MIS 11-1 The Law is a Crocodile --- 2013 Kemal Bokhary Sweet & Maxwell 16/04/2014 MIS 12-1 Croc of Final Appeal --- 2017 Kemal Bokhary Sweet & Maxwell 15/08/2017 MIS 13-1 香港法律文化研究 --- 2017 何志輝 中華書局 21/03/2018 MIS 14-1 Is the Hong Kong Judiciary Sleepwalking to 2017? --- 2019 Henry Litton Sherriff Books 08/06/2019 MIS 15-1 Is Common Sense the First Rule in Statutory Interpretation? --- 2019 Henry Litton Sherriff Books 08/06/2019 MIS 16-1 Habeas Crocodylus --- 2018 Kemal Bokhary Sweet & Maxwell 08/01/2020 MIS 17-1 From Hackney to Hong Kong The Story of a Lucky Man --- 2021 Clive Grossman Facuity of Law University of Hong Kong 18/07/2021 National Security NSL 1-1 National Security and Fundamental Freedoms --- 2005 Fu Hualing, Carole J. Petersen and Simon N.M. Young Hong Kong University Press 15/05/2005 NSL 2-1 中華人民共和國香港特別行政區維護國家安全法 --- 2020 --- 三聯書局 30/07/2021 NSL 3-1 國安法廿三條 安全與自由? 國家安全法之立法及比較研究 --- 2020 李浩然 尹國華 王靜 三聯書局 21/08/2021 NSL 4-1 一國兩制與國家安全 香港國安法透視 --- 2020 橙新聞評論部 橙新聞出版社 21/08/2021 NSL 5-1 香港特別行政維護國家安全法讀本 --- 2021 王振民 黃風 畢雁英等 三聯書局 17/09/2021 NSL 6-1 中華人民共和國香港特別行政區維護國家安全法 --- 2021 文獻匯編 香港律政司 保安局 11/11/2021 NSL 7-1 《香港國安法》 法律論壇 - 國家安好 --- 2021 匯編 香港律政司 11/11/2021 NSL 8-1 The Nationl Security Law of Hong Kong --- 2022 Hualing Fu and Michael Hor Hong Kong University Press 25/07/2022 NSL 9-1 興邦定國 《香港國安法》 法律論壇 --- 2022 匯編 香港律政司 08/09/2023 Notary Public NOT 1-2 Brooke's Notary 13th * 2009 N.P. Ready Sweet & Maxwell 29/07/2009 NOT 1-3 Brooke's Notary 14th 2013 N.P. Ready Sweet & Maxwell 15/05/2014 NOT 2-1 Brooke's Notary: Hong Kong 1st * 2005 N.P. Ready Thomson Sweet & Maxwell --- NOT 2-2 Brooke's Notary: Hong Kong 2nd 2017 N.P. Ready Sweet & Maxwell 28/03/2017 Partnership PAR 1-1 Lindley & Banks on Partnership 17th 1995 R.C. I'Anson Banks London Sweet & Maxwell 13/07/1995 PAR 2-1 Butterworths Hong Kong Partnership Law Handbook 2nd * 2018 Audrey Tan LexisNexis Butterworths 05/10/2018 PAR 2-2 Butterworths Hong Kong Partnership Law Handbook 3rd 2021 Audrey Tan LexisNexis Butterworths 26/11/2021 Personal Injury PER 1-1 Guildlines for the Assessment of General Damages in Personal Injury Cases 2nd 2001 The Judical Studies Board Blackstone Press 25/03/1995 PER 2-1 Personal Injury Pleadings 2nd * 2001 Patrick Curran, QC Sweet & Maxwell 09/12/2002 PER 2-2 Personal Injury Pleadings 5th 2015 Patrick Curran, QC Sweet & Maxwell 25/08/2016 PER 3-1 Damages for Personal Injuries and Death 10th 1996 John Munkman Butterworths 25/02/2003 PER 4-1 Personal Injuries Tables Hong Kong 1st * 2003 Neville Sarony, SC Sweet & Maxwell Asia --- PER 4-2 Personal Injury Tables Hong Kong 2013 2013 * 2013 Neville Sarony QC, SC Sweet & Maxwell 10/01/1900 PER 4-3 Personal Injury Tables Hong Kong 2016 2016 2016 Neville Sarony QC, SC Sweet & Maxwell 24/06/2016 PER 5-1A Hong Kong Personal Injury Service Looseleaf (Issue 59) 2021 Michael K Turnbull, Prudence Mak, Christina Lee, Robin McLeish LexisNexis Butterworths 05/07/2021 PER 5-1B Hong Kong Personal Injury Service Looseleaf (Issue 59) 2021 Michael K Turnbull, Prudence Mak, Christina Lee, Robin McLeish LexisNexis Butterworths 05/07/2021 PER 5-1C Hong Kong Personal Injury Service Looseleaf (Issue 59) 2021 Michael K Turnbull, Prudence Mak, Christina Lee, Robin McLeish LexisNexis Butterworths 05/07/2021 PER 6-1 Clinical Negligence 5th 2015 Dr. Michael J Powers, Dr. Anthony Barton Bloomsbury Professional 11/01/2017 Probate and Administration P&A 1-1 繼承法學 --- 1986 佟柔 法律出版社 13/11/1992 P&A 2-1 Hong Kong Legal Practice Manuals : Probate 1st * 1995 Christopher H Sherrin Longman 13/05/1995 P&A 2-2 Hong Kong Legal Practice Manuals : Probate 2nd * 1998 Christopher H Sherrin Sweet & maxwell Asia 21/04/1999 P&A 2-3 Probate Practice in Hong Kong 3rd 2012 Christopher H Sherrin Sweet & Maxwell 28/05/2012 P&A 3-1 Parry and Clark The Law of Succession 11th 2002 Roger Kerridge Sweet &
Maxwell 15/09/2003 P&A 4-1 Butterworths Probate, Administration and Trustee Handbook 1st * 2007 C.H. Sherrin LexisNexis Butterworths 20/01/2004 P&A 4-2 Butterworths Probate, Administration and Trustee Handbook 2nd * 2007 C.H. Sherrin and Bobby Wong LexisNexis Butterworths 04/10/2007 P&A 4-3 Butterworths Probate, Administration and Trustee Handbook 3rd * 2012 Christopher Henry Sherrin and Bobby Wong LexisNexis Butterworths 30/04/2013 P&A 4-4 Butterworths Probate, Administration and Trustee Handbook 4th * 2016 Chantel Lin, Bobby Wong, Carol Lee and Ian Chau LexisNexis Butterworths 12/10/2016 P&A 4-5 Butterworths Probate, Administration and Trustee Handbook 5th 2021 Audrey Tan LexisNexis Butterworths 29/09/2022 P&A 5-1 Tristram and Coote's Probate Practice 31st 2015 R D'Costa, P Teverson, T Synak Butterworths LexisNexis 26/08/2015 Professional Conduct PRC 1-1 The Guide to the Professional Conduct of Solicitors 6th * 1993 Nicola Taylor The Law Society --- PRC 1-2 The Guide To the Professional Conduct of Solicitors 8th 1999 Nicola Taylor Law Society
Publishing --- PRC 2-1A The Hong Kong Solictors' Guide to Professional Conduct Volume 1 2nd * 1998 The Law Society of Hong Kong
Butterworths --- PRC 2-2A The Hong Kong Solictors' Guide to Professional Conduct Volume 1 3rd 2013 The Law Society of Hong Kong
Butterworths 30/01/1900 PRC 2-1B The Hong Kong Solicitors' Guide to Professional Conduct Volume 2 2nd 1998 --- The Law Society of Hong Kong
--- PRC 3-1 Professional Code and Conduct for the Guidance of Registered
Medical Pratitioners --- 1996 Medical Council of
Hong Kong Medical Council
of Hong Kong --- PRC 4-1 The Professional Conduct of Lawyers in Hong Kong 1st (Student) * 1996 Michael Wilkinson and Michael Sandor Butterworths 03/12/1997 PRC 4-2 The Professional Conduct of Lawyers in Hong Kong Desk * 2014 Michael Wilkinson and Michael Sandor LexisNexis 23/07/2014 PRC 4-3 The Professional Conduct of Lawyers in Hong Kong Desk * 2018 Michael Wilkinson and Gary Meggitt LexisNexis 08/12/2018 PRC 4-4 Wilkinson's The Professional Conduct of Lawyers in Hong Kong Desk 2019 Michael Wilkinson and Gary Meggitt LexisNexis 22/05/2020 PRC 5-1 Code of Professional Conduct and Code of Ethics for Nurses in Hong Kong --- 2002 --- The Nursing Council of Hong Kong --- PRC 6-1A Cordery On Solicitors (Volume 1) Looseleaf --- Alexandra Marks Butterworths --- PRC 6-1B Cordery On Solicitors (Volume 2) Looseleaf --- Alexandra Marks Butterworths --- PRC 7-1A The Professional Conduct of Lawyers in Hong Kong (Volume 1) Looseleaf (Issue 67) 2023 Michael Wilkinson and Michael Sandor LexisNexis Butterworths 11/05/2023 PRC 7-1B The Professional Conduct of Lawyers in Hong Kong (Volume 2) Looseleaf (Issue 67) 2023 Michael Wilkinson and Michael Sandor LexisNexis Butterworths 11/05/2023 PRC 7-1C The Professional Conduct of Lawyers in Hong Kong (Volume 3) Looseleaf (Issue 67) 2023 Michael Wilkinson and Michael Sandor LexisNexis Butterworths 11/05/2023 PRC 7-1D The Professional Conduct of Lawyers in Hong Kong (Volume 4) Looseleaf (Issue 67) 2023 Michael Wilkinson and Michael Sandor LexisNexis Butterworths 11/05/2023 PRC 7-1E The Professional Conduct of Lawyers in Hong Kong (Volume 5) Looseleaf (Issue 67) 2023 Michael Wilkinson and Michael Sandor LexisNexis Butterworths 11/05/2023 PRC 8-1 Professional Conduct and Risk Management in Hong Kong --- 2007 The Hon. Mr. Justice Ma Thomson Sweet & Maxwell 06/03/2008 PRC 9-1 Disciplinary and Regulatory Proceedings in Hong Kong 1st * 2011 Andrew Mak LexisNexis Butterworths 03/05/2012 PRC 9-2 Disciplinary and Regulatory Proceedings in Hong Kong 2nd * 2015 Andrew Mak LexisNexis 24/04/2015 PRC 9-3 Disciplinary and Regulatory Proceedings in Hong Kong 3rd 2019 Andrew Mak LexisNexis 29/03/2019 Private International PRI 1-1A Dicey and Morris On The Conflict of Laws (Vol. 1) 13th 2000 Lawrence Collins Sweet &
Maxwell 30/12/1999 PRI 1-1B Dicey and Morris On The Conflict of Laws (Vol. 2) 13th 2000 Lawrence Collins Sweet &
Maxwell 30/12/1999 PRI 2-1 The Conflict of Laws In Hong Kong [The Hong Kong Law Library] --- * 2005 Graeme Johnston Sweet &
Maxwell 16/11/2005 PRI 2-2 The Conflict of Laws In Hong Kong [The Hong Kong Law Library] 2nd * 2012 Graeme Johnston Sweet &
Maxwell 12/03/2013 PRI 2-3 The Conflict of Laws In Hong Kong [The Hong Kong Law Library] 3rd 2017 Graeme Johnston and Paul Harris SC Sweet &
Maxwell 07/06/2017 PRI 3-1 An Introduction to the Conflict of Laws In Hong Kong 1st 2017 Alan Gibb Richard Morris King Fung Tsang Sweet &
Maxwell 07/06/2017 Professional Liabilities PRL 1-1 Lawyer's Liabilities 2nd 2002 Hugh Evans London
Sweet & Maxwell 16/08/2003 Privacy PRY 1-1 The Legal Control of Personal Data In Hong Kong --- 1996 Michael J. Downey Hong Kong
Institute of`
Human Resource Mangement & emplyment Law International LTD. 26/06/1998 PRY 2-1 Data Privacy Law In Hong Kong --- 1997 Mark Berthold &
Raymond Wacks FT Law & Tax
Asia Pacific 22/09/1997 PRY 3-1 Data Protection Principal Data (Privacy) Ordinance - from the Privacy Commissioner's perspective 2nd 2010 --- Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong 25/01/2013 PRY 4-1 Butterworths Hong Kong Data Privacy Handbook 1st * 2016 Audrey Tan LexisNexis Butterworths 22/06/2016 PRY 4-2 Butterworths Hong Kong Data Privacy Handbook 2nd 2021 Audrey Tan LexisNexis Butterworths 26/11/2021 PRY 5-1 Personal Data (Privacy) Law in Hong Kong A Practical Guide on Compliance 1st * 2016 Stephen Kai-yi Wong and Guobin Zhu City University of Hong Kong Press 01/09/2016 PRY 5-2 Personal Data (Privacy) Law in Hong Kong A Practical Guide on Compliance 2nd 2020 Stephen Kai-yi Wong and Guobin Zhu City University of Hong Kong Press 18/07/2021 Public International PUI 1-1 國際法 --- 1981 王鐵崖 法律出版社 15/04/1990 PUI 2-1 Basic Documents in International Law 3rd 1983 Ian Brownlie Clarendon
Press Oxford 06/10/1990 PUI 3-1 The Law of The Sea 2nd 1988 R.R. Churchill &
A.V. Lowe Manchester
University Press 30/10/1990 PUI 4-1 International Law as Appied by International Courts and Tribunals
Volume 2 The Law of Armed Conflict --- 1968 Georg
Schwarzenberger London
Stevens & Sons Limited 04/01/1991 PUI 5-1 國際海洋法 --- 1985 周忠海 中國政法大學出版社
--- PUI 6-1 海洋法知識 --- 1985 周子業, 楊子雄 知識出版社 --- PUI 7-1 Documents On the Laws of War 2nd 1989 Adam Roberts &
Richard Guelff Clarendon
Press Oxford 03/04/1991 PUI 8-1 Public International Law Revision Workbook --- 1990 Robert M.Maclean HLT
Publications 24/05/1991 PUI 9-1 國際法論 --- 1992 周洪鈞 同濟大學出版社
13/11/1992 PUI 10-1 Principles of Public International Law 4th 1990 Ian Brownlie English
Language Book Society/ Oxford University Press 26/11/1992 PUI 11-1 China's Practice in The Law of the Sea --- 1992 Jeanette Greenfield Clarendon
Press Oxford 14/01/1993 PUI 12-1 Land-Locked and Geographically Disadvantaged states in the
International Law of the Sea --- 1990 Stephen C.
Vasciannie Clarendon
Press Oxford 25/01/1993 PUI 13-1 國際公法二百問答 --- 1994 葉叔良教授 香港《經濟與法律》出版社 21/01/1995 PUI 14-1 國際法院 --- 1993 施覺懷 蘇州大學出版社 07/07/1995 PUI 15-1A 國際公法百科全書 (3) --- 1982 馬克斯‧普朗克比較公法及國際法研究所
中山大學出版社 07/07/1995 PUI 15-1B 國際公法百科全書 (4) --- 1982 馬克斯‧普朗克比較公法及國際法研究所
中山大學出版社 07/07/1995 PUI 16-1 Fifth Years of the International Court of Justice --- 1996 Vaughan Lowe &
Malfosia Fitzmaurice Grptius Publications
Cambridge University Press 23/07/1996 PUI 17-1 War Crimes Against Women --- 1997 Kelly Dawn Askin Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 30/03/2001 PUI 18-1 Pedra Branca The Road to the World Court --- 2009 S Jayakumar and Tommy Koh NUS Press Singapore 24/12/2010 PUI 19-1 西藏的地位─從國際法的角度對西藏歷史、權利與前景的分析 --- 2011 邁克爾.C.范沃爾特.范普拉赫 Michael C. Van Walt Van Praag (譯者: 跋熱.達互才仁 中譯) 雪域出版社 07/05/2011 PUI 20-1 The Congo Case (Court of Final Appeal Judgments) --- 2014 KNC --- 28/07/2014 PUI 21-1 Foundations of International Law 4th 2019 Stephen Hall LexisNexis 15/07/2020 PUI 22-1 南海之爭的多元視角 --- 2017 孫國祥 香港城市大學 25/07/2022 Restitution RES 1-1 The Law of Unjust Enrichment in Hong Kong --- 2008 Clement Yeung LexisNexis 27/06/2008 Securities SEC 1-1 The Hong Kong Stock and Futures Exchanges [The Hong Kong Law Library] 1st 2012 David C. Donald Sweet & Maxwell 11/01/1900 SEC 2-1A Securities and Futures Ordinance [Hong Kong Commentary and Annotations Library] 1st * 2015 Laurence Li Sweet & Maxwell 02/01/1900 SEC 2-1B Securities and Futures Ordinance [Hong Kong Commentary and Annotations Library] 1st * 2015 Laurence Li Sweet & Maxwell 18/01/1900 SEC 2-2A Securities and Futures Ordinance [Hong Kong Commentary and Annotations Library] 2nd 2017 Laurence Li Sweet & Maxwell 18/01/1900 SEC 2-2B Securities and Futures Ordinance [Hong Kong Commentary and Annotations Library] 2nd 2017 Laurence Li Sweet & Maxwell 02/01/1900 SEC 3-1 Securities --- 1994 IA Tokley Longman 21/01/1900 Series SER 1-1A 香港日用法律大全 (1) --- 1995 李宗鍔法官 商務印書館 --- SER 1-1B 香港日用法律大全 (2) --- 1995 李宗鍔法官 商務印書館 --- SER 1-1C 香港日用法律大全 (3) --- 1995 李宗鍔法官 商務印書館 --- SER 1-1D 香港日用法律大全 (4) --- 1995 李宗鍔法官 商務印書館 --- SER 1-1E 香港日用法律大全 (5) --- 1995 李宗鍔法官 商務印書館 --- SER 1-1F 香港日用法律大全 (6) --- 1995 李宗鍔法官 商務印書館 --- SER 2-1 Atkin's Court Forms (Vols 1 - 41) 2nd 1996 Jack I. H. Jacob London Butterworths --- SER 2-1A Atkin's Court Forms (Supplement) 2nd 1996 Madeleine D'arcy London Butterworths --- SER 2-1B Atkin's Court Forms (Consolidated Index) 2nd 1996 Madeleine D'arcy London Butterworths --- SER 3-1 Laws of Hong Kong (Vols 1 - 43) Looseleaf --- --- Hong Kong Government Various SER 4-1 Halsbury's Laws of Hong Kong (Vols 1 - 27) 1st * --- Various LexisNexis
Various SER 4-2 Halsbury's Laws of Hong Kong 2nd --- Various LexisNexis Hong Kong
Various SER 4-1A Halsbury's Laws of Hong Kong Consolidated Tables (1) --- * 2006 Various LexisNexis
29/12/2006 SER 4-2A Halsbury's Laws of Hong Kong Consolidated Tables (1) --- 2008 Various LexisNexis
22/12/2008 SER 4-1B Halsbury's Laws of Hong Kong Consolidated Tables (2) --- * 2006 Various LexisNexis
29/12/2006 SER 4-2B Halsbury's Laws of Hong Kong Consolidated Tables (2) --- 2008 Various LexisNexis
22/12/2008 SER 4-1C Halsbury's Laws of Hong Kong Consolidated Tables (3) --- * 2006 Various LexisNexis
29/12/2006 SER 4-2C Halsbury's Laws of Hong Kong Consolidated Tables (3) --- * 2009 Various LexisNexis
26/11/2009 SER 4-1D Halsbury's Laws of Hong Kong Consolidated Tables (4) --- * 2006 Various LexisNexis
29/12/2006 SER 4-2D Halsbury's Laws of Hong Kong Consolidated Tables (4) --- * 2009 Various LexisNexis
26/11/2009 SER 4-2-1(52-1) Halsbury's Laws of Hong Kong Consolidated Tables of Cases (1) 2nd * 2011 Various LexisNexis
Butterworths --- SER 4-2-1(52-2) Halsbury's Laws of Hong Kong Consolidated Tables of Cases (2) 2nd * 2011 Various LexisNexis
Butterworths --- SER 4-2-2(52-1) Halsbury's Laws of Hong Kong Consolidated Table of Cases (1) (A-K) 2nd 2013 Various LexisNexis
Butterworths 31/12/2013 SER 4-2-2(52-2) Halsbury's Laws of Hong Kong Consolidated Table of Cases (2) (L-Z) 2nd 2013 Various LexisNexis
Butterworths 31/12/2013 SER 5-1 The Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents (A - F) 5th --- Richard Fearnley LexisNexis Various Shipping and Carriage of Goods SHI 1-1 Payne and Ivymy's Carriage of Goods By Sea 12th 1985 E R Hardy Ivamy London
Butterworths 08/10/1987 SHI 2-1 Casebook On Carriage By Sea 6th 1985 E.R Hardy Ivamy Lloyd's
of London
Press LTD 16/11/1987 SHI 3-1 海商法 --- 1985 巍文達 法律出版社 13/11/1992 SHI 4-1 Scrutton On Charterparties 20th 1996 Stewart C. Boyd &
anderw S. Burrows
& David Foxton London
Sweet &
Maxwell 26/11/1996 SHI 5-1 Shipping and Logistics Law Principles and Practice in Hong Kong 1st * 2002 Felix W H Chan &
Jimmy J M Ng &
Bobby K Y Wong Hong Kong
Press 04/08/2003 SHI 5-2 Shipping and Logistics Law Principles and Practice in Hong Kong 2nd 2015 Felix W H Chan &
Jimmy J M Ng &
Sik Kwan Tai HKU
Press 04/10/2016 Statutory Interpretation STI 1-1 Statutory Interpretation 4th * 2002 Francis Bennion Butterworths 06/09/2003 STI 1-2 Bennion on Statutory Interpretation 6th 2013 Oliver Jones LexisNexis 28/02/2014 STI 2-1 Butterworths Hong Kong Statutory Interpreatation Handbook --- * 2008 Bobby K. Y. Wong & Anna Y. H. Ho LexisNexis 27/06/2008 STI 2-2 Butterworths Hong Kong Statutory Interpreatation Handbook 2nd * 2012 Bobby K. Y. Wong & Anna Y. H. Ho LexisNexis 21/12/2012 STI 2-3 Butterworths Hong Kong Statutory Interpreatation Handbook 4th 2021 Audrey Tan LexisNexis 30/07/2021 Taxation TAX 1-1 Hong Kong Taxation: Law and Practice 1986 to 87 1986 David Flux The Chinese University Press --- TAX 2-1 A Guide to Hong Kong Stamp Duty 1st * 1996 PG Willoughby &
AJ Halkyard Butterworths 21/01/1997 TAX 2-2 A Guide to Hong Kong Stamp Duty 3rd 1999 PG Willoughby &
AJ Halkyard Butterworths 17/08/1999 TAX 3-1 A Guide to Hong Kong Estate Duty 2nd * 1996 PG Willoughby & AJ Halkyard
Butterworths 02/01/1997 TAX 3-2 A Guide to Hong Kong Estate Duty 3rd 1999 PG Willoughby &
AJ Halkyard Butterworths 17/08/1999 TAX 4-1 Hong Kong Taxation Law, Cases and Materials 2nd * 1999
Andrew Halkyard and Jefferson P VanderWolk Butterworths 22/09/1999 TAX 4-2 Hong Kong Taxation Law, Cases and Materials 6th 2013
Andrew Halkyard Jefferson P VanderWolk Wilson WS Chow LexisNexis 02/08/2013 TAX 5-1 HKLRD Review Series 2002 --- 2002 Wilson W S Chow Sweet & Maxwell Asia 14/03/2002 TAX 6-1 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Our Hong Kong Practice --- --- --- Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu International --- TAX 7-1 Butterworths Hong Kong Inland Revenue Handbook 2nd 2013 Lawrence Man LexisNexis Butterworths 27/01/1900 TAX 8-1 Butterworths Hong Kong Stamp Duty Handbook 1st * 2015 Andrew Halkyard LexisNexis Butterworths 22/06/2015 TAX 8-2 Butterworths Hong Kong Stamp Duty Handbook 2nd 2020 Audrey Tan LexisNexis Butterworths 06/07/2021 Tort TOR 1-1 Cases & Statutes on Tort 3rd 1984 Brenda N. Barrett Sweet &
Maxwell --- TOR 2-1 Tort: Cases and Materials 3rd 1985 B.A. Hepple &
M.H. Matthews London
Butterworths --- TOR 3-1 Blackstone's Statutes on Contract and Tort 1st 1991 F. D. Rose Blackstone Press Limited 12/03/1994 TOR 4-1 Law Questions & Answers : Law of Torts --- 1994 David Oughton &
John Lowry Blackstone
Press Limited 01/06/1995 TOR 5-1 The Law of Tort in Hong Kong 1st * 1995 DK Srivastava &
AD Tennekone Butterworths 03/09/1996 TOR 5-2 The Law of Tort in Hong Kong 3rd 2014 DK Srivastava Charu Sharma Anna Lui Hoi Yan Sara Tsui Fug Ling
LexisNexis 20/08/2014 TOR 6-1 Textbook on Torts 8th 2002 Michael A.Jones Oxford
University Press --- TOR 7-1 The Law of Tort --- 2002 Andrew Grubb Butterworths 03/03/2003 TOR 8-1 Nutshells Tort 6th 2002 Vera Bermingham Sweet & Maxwell 02/09/2004 TOR 9-1 Tort Law In Hong Kong 1st * 2002 Rick Glofcheski Sweet &
Maxwell 09/12/2002 TOR 9-2 Tort Law in Hong Kong 2nd * 2007 Rick Glofcheski Sweet &
Maxwell 09/08/2007 TOR 9-3 Tort Law in Hong Kong 3rd * 2012 Rick Glofcheski Sweet &
Maxwell 11/03/2013 TOR 9-4 Tort Law in Hong Kong 4th 2017 Rick Glofcheski Sweet &
Maxwell 10/10/2017 TOR 10-1 Tort Law and Practice In Hong Kong [The Hong Kong Law Library] 2nd 2011 The Honourable Mr. Justice Kemal Bokhary PJ Sweet & Maxwell 18/11/2011 TOR 11-1 Hong Kong Tort Law: Texts, Cases and Ordinances 1st 2014 Fozia Nazir Lone LexisNexis 24/10/2014 TOR 12-1 香港侵權法 1st 2015 羅敏威 中華書局 20/11/2015 TOR 13-1 Tort Law in Hong Kong An Introductory Guide 2nd 2015 Stephen D. Mau Hong Kong University Press 25/06/2016 Wills WIL 1-1 How To Avoid Problems with Your Will --- 1968 Robert A. Farmer ARCO New
York 25/03/1995 WIL 2-1A Williams On Wills: The Law of Wills (Volume 1) 7th * 1995 C H Sherrin & R F D Barlow
& R A Wallington Butterworths --- WIL 2-1B Williams On Wills: Precedents and Statutes (Volume 2) 7th * 1995 C H Sherrin & R F D Barlow
& R A Wallington Butterworths --- WIL 2-1-1 Williams On Wills: 1st Supplement to 7th Edition --- * 1997 C H Sherrin & R F D Barlow
& R A Wallington Butterworths --- WIL 2-2A Williams On Wills: The Law of Wills (Volume 1) 10th 2014 Francis Barlow Richard Wallington Susuannah Meadway James MacDougald Butterworths --- WIL 2-2B Williams On Wills: Precedents and Statutes (Volume 2) 10th 2014 Francis Barlow Richard Wallington Susuannah Meadway James MacDougald Butterworths --- WIL 3-1 Parker's Modern Wills Precedents 3rd 1997 Eric Taylor Butterworths 28/06/2003 WIL 4-1 Last Will & Testament Line by Line --- 2009 Elizabeth Luckenbach Brown Aspatore 24/01/1900 WIL 5-1 A Guide to Wills and Probate in Hong Kong --- 2015 Rebecca Ong Sweet & Maxwell 29/04/2015 WIL 6-1 Drafting Trusts and Wills Trusts in Hong Kong 1st 2016 James Kessler QC, Thelma Kwan and Philip Munro Sweet & Maxwell 01/04/2016